"You no longer need to be a hatchet-faced National Front refugee to join the whites-only club. The fascist menace no longer wears jackboots. It no longer flags down the number 25 bus with a hearty "Sieg Heil". Nope, ours is a new, gentler, more airbrushed age. Feminism's here, so now girls can dig race hate too. As the BNP's attempts to reposition itself as a mainstream party have advanced its perimeter far beyond the usual crewcuts-n-tats brigade, we spoke to three of the more acceptable new faces of the unacceptable. What a bunch of hotties! Phwoar! Makes you aroused to be British."
VICE: How old are you?
Rebecca: 23.
What do you do for a living?
I'm a full-time mum.
What first attracted you to the BNP?
My husband. He’s been in the army for 12 years, and when I met him four years ago, he actually told me about the BNP and what they were doing. And from then on, I started to support them.
Are most of your friends BNP?
Yeah. Not particularly the people in our area, but our friends are.
When people say the BNP is a fascist party, what do you think?
Fascist – I don’t understand that word.
Think of Nazi Germany, or 1930s Italy.
I can’t even remember when that happened really, but I’m against them anyway.
You’re against who?
The Germans. I know that sounds evil... I was brought up that way.
But not the Nazis?
No, I don’t agree with that at all.
What's the best thing about living in Britain today?
I hate Britain, and I want to move to Spain in the next couple of years, 'cause our country’s not England any more. It’s very rare for English people to live here any more. When I went to Lanzarote, I felt more English there than I do here, and that’s no exaggeration.
But won't you then be an immigrant too?
Yeah, but the answer to that is I would go over to their country and respect their country. I wouldn’t go over there and try and do suicidal bombs [sic]. The immigrants that come over to this country should be making this a good country and proud of it and helping this country, but most of them don’t.
What do you think symbolises Britain best?
Well, I used to know Britain as strong, and over the past couple of years, I don’t know if I’ve grown up, but I’ve seen it going soft. The memory I have is the war, and how we fighted [sic] all the people in WWI and WWII, and it makes me proud to be British.
the rest is on the website :