Re: Hi confused muslim here
Reply #35 - January 12, 2012, 08:56 PM
demba, firstly i dont mean to be obnoxious, i got a little bit irritated by some posts because I didnt feel its a hard request and its taking a long time to get some links, not what i had hoped.
richard dawkins mainly focuses on the existence of god and doesnt have much work on islam to my knowledge, so he will help me on the theism vs atheism issue but i wanted the websites which demonstrate the bad things in the hadeeth and qur'an like scientific inaccuracies, oppression, contradictions etc. I have come accross different websites from time to time but i presumed you guys would have a lot more knowledge of where i can find all the resources and could compile a list of the best websites. I need as much as possible. there is some really distirbing things that I am aware of in Islam, such as the prophets marriage to a 9 year old, approval of slavery, approval of beating wives, men allowed to take more than one wife, killing of apostates, but i need all the references, all the issues im unaware of, maybe some videos, i wish to research it fully and not just leave it on flimsy reasoning because its a big change in my life and will change a lot of things for me.
Sorry if i have been rude but I just want a list of sites, videos and otehr resources. im sure everyone can just post what they have come across that they felt was good websites with good info.
Im not here to debate with anyone so dont worry about me trolling, im hear to establish the truth for myself and if im 100% certain about leaving islam i wish to get involved in teh movement myself. Its very confusing and hard for me because on one hand i see islam could have benefits to society if it was implemented, but on the other hand i see it as a disasterous thing if islam succeeds in the world. im genuinely a very confused person right now and apologise if ive offended anyone.
also, im interested to hear your theory as you mentioend you dont believe aysha even existed at all, ive not come accross that before,coudl you explain more?