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 Topic: Abdullah Hakim Quick @ York University

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  • Abdullah Hakim Quick @ York University
     OP - January 24, 2012, 01:48 AM

    Just got the following email from York University about Abdullah Hakim Quick talking about women's rights in Islam. Anyone know anything about this guy? It would be fun to go and ask him some tough questions and shit.  Smiley

    Women’s Rights in Islam: The Myths and the Reality - Les droits de la femme en Islam : mythes et réalité

    Are you someone who advocates for gender equality? Dr. Abdullah Hakim Quick (PHd History), a historian and social activist, will be speaking on the topic of “Women’s Rights in Islam: The Myths and The Reality.” The lecture will take place on Tuesday, January 31, from 3pm-5pm, in the BMO room (inside Glendon Manor). A Q&A session will follow.

    Êtes-vous quelqu'un qui se bat pour l’égalité des genres ? Dr Abdullah Hakim Quick, historien et activiste social, discutera du sujet : Les droits de la femme en Islam : mythes et réalité. La conférence aura lieu le mardi 31 janvier 2012 de 15h à 17h dans la salle BMO, au manoir Glendon. Une période de questions-réponses aura lieu après la conférence.

    "We were married by a Reform rabbi in Long Island. A very Reform rabbi. A Nazi."-- Woody Allen
  • Re: Abdullah Hakim Quick @ York University
     Reply #1 - January 24, 2012, 01:56 AM

    Ah darn... I have class that night or I'd go bunny

    "Blessed are they who can laugh at themselves, for they shall never cease to be amused."
  • Re: Abdullah Hakim Quick @ York University
     Reply #2 - January 24, 2012, 02:17 AM

    So ditch it and we'll go together.  bunny

    "We were married by a Reform rabbi in Long Island. A very Reform rabbi. A Nazi."-- Woody Allen
  • Re: Abdullah Hakim Quick @ York University
     Reply #3 - January 24, 2012, 02:21 AM


    "Blessed are they who can laugh at themselves, for they shall never cease to be amused."
  • Re: Abdullah Hakim Quick @ York University
     Reply #4 - January 24, 2012, 02:26 AM

    Ah you know what... I can't make it on the 31st anyway. Have a meeting with another prof regarding my research project at 5pm. Sorry.... maybe someone else here will go with you? Ask some tough questions.... here's an interesting post on this guy's website: "How I was Digitally Transformed into a Hate Cleric" By Abdullah Hakim Quick

    "Blessed are they who can laugh at themselves, for they shall never cease to be amused."
  • Re: Abdullah Hakim Quick @ York University
     Reply #5 - January 24, 2012, 02:33 AM

    Anyone else find it ironic that it's a guy talking about Womens rights and not a Woman?   sheikh
  • Re: Abdullah Hakim Quick @ York University
     Reply #6 - January 24, 2012, 02:36 AM

    Marshmallowallah bro the prophet was a guy and he was all up in there about them women's rights bro sheikh

    "Blessed are they who can laugh at themselves, for they shall never cease to be amused."
  • Re: Abdullah Hakim Quick @ York University
     Reply #7 - January 24, 2012, 02:41 AM

    It's not really ironic. 4.34's (in)famous, so all the major dawahgandists hae gone out of their way to talk about how it's really giving women rights and stuff  Roll Eyes.

    A clip taken from another lecture made me appear to be intolerant of Christians and Jews. Toward the end of my talk I made a supplication for God to purify Islam’s third holiest shrine from the “filth of the Christians and the Jews.” The implicit — and obvious understanding for anyone who heard my lecture — was that I was asking God to heal the spiritual corruption that afflicts some members of religious groups which in turn leads to injustice against innocent people.

    Spiritual purity has been the focus of prophets, teachers and reformers for thousands of years. Students of the Jewish, Christian and Muslim faiths know this well. Prophet Jesus’ famous condemnation of the Pharisees is even known to many non-religious people.

    My supplication was not a blanket condemnation of all persons belonging to these two respected faith traditions. Such a statement would be in direct contradiction to Islam’s basic teachings and my own personal beliefs. Indeed, there are Christians and Jews in Israel and abroad who have been in the forefront of speaking out against racism, violence and Islamophobia. Their valour and commitment has earned my deepest respect.

    ^^Does this sound like bullshit?

    "We were married by a Reform rabbi in Long Island. A very Reform rabbi. A Nazi."-- Woody Allen
  • Re: Abdullah Hakim Quick @ York University
     Reply #8 - January 24, 2012, 02:43 AM

    Ah you know what... I can't make it on the 31st anyway. Have a meeting with another prof regarding my research project at 5pm. Sorry.... maybe someone else here will go with you? Ask some tough questions.... here's an interesting post on this guy's website: "How I was Digitally Transformed into a Hate Cleric" By Abdullah Hakim Quick

    That's Ok  Cry. Ah, wont go anyway. Don't really want to go alone. Seems from the above link he's been misrepresented  Tongue. Do you believe what he's saying? He's got a nice-looking track record, but that obviously doesn't prevent one from spewing hate speech. And from what he said about homosexuality, it looks like he's apologizing for being homophobic:

    With regard to my comments about the punishment for homosexuality, about 15 years ago I was approached by a group of gay Muslims who wanted me to re-interpret the basic principles of Islam.

    I refused and indicated to them the very serious condemnation in Islam toward homosexuality, a stance that has been taken by many of the world’s great religions. My statements were a moral reprimand only. I understand now that they did give off the wrong impression.

    Yes, because Judaism and Xtianity have condemned homosexuality, that makes it OK to do. You're only going to burn in hell for eternity. No sweat.  cool2

    "We were married by a Reform rabbi in Long Island. A very Reform rabbi. A Nazi."-- Woody Allen
  • Re: Abdullah Hakim Quick @ York University
     Reply #9 - January 24, 2012, 03:25 AM

    Lol even if I still lived in the GTA I would not go to this event. I have seen my share of these. I have even seen one with a woman leading the event. They always cherry pick the quran and the hadith & leave the controversial stuff out or play the age old excuses. I remember once the lady scholar was asked why the testimony of women is half of men and she was stumped because she left that out in her presentation and someone actually brought it up. Still these are fun as you see so many covered up women feeling they are so well protected by islam.

    Nothing can be more contrary to religion and the clergy than reason and common sense. - Voltaire
  • Re: Abdullah Hakim Quick @ York University
     Reply #10 - January 26, 2012, 12:36 AM

    Lol even if I still lived in the GTA I would not go to this event. I have seen my share of these. I have even seen one with a woman leading the event. They always cherry pick the quran and the hadith & leave the controversial stuff out or play the age old excuses. I remember once the lady scholar was asked why the testimony of women is half of men and she was stumped because she left that out in her presentation and someone actually brought it up. Still these are fun as you see so many covered up women feeling they are so well protected by islam.

    What truly bothers me is when women are fully aware of all the controversial issues like the ones about testimony, or that hadith about hell being filled with women because of their deficient intelligence and lack of subordination to their husbands. They even come to terms with these concepts and not only accept as truth, but fail to see anything negative in them! In fact, it is almost like they are proud of that and they are somehow protected and liberated as a result? Dafuq?

    And then, they complain that western society is headed by men. That fashion designers are often men. That women dress to please men.
    I just don't get it, the whole women's right movement of the 19th and early 20th century movement would truly be in shock at women of today wanting to take a time capsule back to 7th century Arabia. Someone should have told Susan B. Anthony that she needed a hijab to be liberated. Huh?
  • Re: Abdullah Hakim Quick @ York University
     Reply #11 - January 26, 2012, 01:53 AM

    yea i am just as lost as you are.

    Nothing can be more contrary to religion and the clergy than reason and common sense. - Voltaire
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