Re: Do the Hindus have a more convincing case for scientific foreknowledge
Reply #64 - April 05, 2012, 05:39 PM
Hello everyone,
I also like to look on the scientific claims of the religions.
"‘Earth is flattened at the poles’ (Markandeya Purana 54.12) "
I actually had looked for the verse that talked about ths.
This is the verse.
All the six Kula mountains enter into the womb of the ocean; and the earth here
is sloping towards the south and north, and at the middle it is raised to great heights. (12)
Eh, so these miracle claims are definitely not as precise in the original verses.
And they hided this "and at the middle it is raised to great heights." which surely denotes a flat earth.
I think this is the most interesting claimed fact
"In the initial stage of creation of Universe some creation material slipped from the hands of Brahma and collided with earth resulting in the formation of Moon".
(Brahmand Purana)
If you want to help look for the verse about it in the translated Brahmand Purana
Search for "Brahmanda Pu I" upto "Brahmanda Pu V" on google, and try to do the work of searching the verses in the pdfs.