Re: I am a Muslim and I would like to be my religion to be disproved?
Reply #62 - March 10, 2012, 03:15 AM
As one who left Christianity over the course of several years, I entirely sympathize with thy feelings. It is horrible to have one's religion revealed as false.
The following passage is, I think, one of my favourite quotations, simply because it can be used to critique so many religious and traditional practices.
Master Mozi said, “This is what's called treating habit as appropriate and custom as morally right. Formerly, east of Yue there was the country of Gai Shu. When their first son was born, they dismembered and ate him, calling this an obligation to his brothers. When their grandfather died, they carried off their grandmother and abandoned her, saying, ‘One cannot live with the wife of a ghost.’ These were treated as policy above and as custom below, performed without ceasing and held onto without letting go. But how can these really be the way of what is humane and right?” (Book 25, “Thrift in Funerals”)
Please consider, therefore, whether a god whom thou believest in would condone the sort of atrocities in the Qu'ran. To me, the commandments of gods have as little relevance to true standards of morality as those of the forgotten gods of the forgotten land of Gai Shu. I have the Buddha, the dhamma, and the Sangha to guide me. Gods become irrelevant once one has a good moral code.