Heyy GRB,
Long time no see.
It's mind boggling and intriguing to think of what this "waterworld" exoplanet is like up close.
Finnish would love it, they should name it after a Finnish mythological figure.
It's hard to imagine a world like that, we've been looking for water for so long, now we've found a lot of water in a lot of different environments, it's crazy.
Recent research has shown that the interior of these planets might be similar to ours, if that's the case, the planet might be geologically active and have hydrothermal vents, but we shouldn't get ahead of ourselves yet.
There are at least 4 more exoplanets which might contain water, one of them is Gliese 581 d. The most recent one we've found is GJ 667 Cc, it's a peculiar system itself, not to mention the ones Kepler might find, they've already announced their first habitable candidate Kepler 22b. Kepler requires at least three transits before it confirms a planet, for the larger stars the habitable zone lies further out into the orbit, that's where we're looking for these smaller rocky planets but it takes longer for them to go around the star. Since Kepler is in its third year, it should have many more confirmed candidates by the end of the year.
So, hopefully when the JWST opens its eyes, it would have a lot more to look at than just GJ 1214b.