people care about issues they're exposed to, and the israel/palestine issue has huge momentum. it's not identity politics. i don't know a single person, neither online nor in real life, who says "israel is teh evil". that's just hyperbole.
there's always going to be people bitter that their causes don't have as much support, but there's no need to bash other causes.
I was not "Bashing" a cause. I was saying that some people use this one issue as the apex of all issues, and it's usually people from Muslim backgrounds who do, whether they believe in Islam or not. It's taught to us that this is OUR issue, whether we are Arab or not.
And I do know people, online and offline who do tend to think with the "israel is teh evil" mindset. There are identity politics on the other side of this issue too. Don't worry I am not suggesting that only one side plays that.
oh i didn't tell you i'm going back to being vegetarian...
Me too
The creation of Israel probably was a mistake, with hindsight. But those who lose their marbles over it are stupid. Try thinking back to 1945 and put yourself in the shoes of someone in a decision making position at that time. They made mistakes, and so would the rest of you if you were in their shoes.
Bottom line - Israel exists now, and its not going anywhere. Deal with reality.
All nation states were formed out of violence and most involved displacing and/or killing lots of people.
What is the problem in the IP conflict is the militarism, the aggression that Israeli govts have practised. The problem is also the biblical "greater israel" theory that many in and outside Israel believe in, whether they consider themselves "secular" or not.
What my issue is with people like DA who believe the entire state is a "mistake". That's ludicrous and that kind of thinking is not helpful at all. It only polarizes everyone more.