I like your ______
Reply #160 - July 12, 2013, 11:06 AM
^ I like your username, it reminds me of Solaris - which doesn't really exist anymore, but I'm not trying to say you will cease to exist anytime soon because Solaris actually evolved into something much greater and paved the way to the likes of Oracle Solaris, OpenSolaris, illumos and other advancements. Of course, that's not to say that Solara in itself isn't a great name, after all it refers to the Goddess of Light doesn't it? And I'm pretty sure it has significance in the solar industry. So all in all, you're arguably technologically superior than most other operating systems of the same type, a goddess and also energy green.
Also, illumos reminds me of the spell in Harry Potter (lumos?) which produces light - coincidence? I think not!
"If a monster existed, it was buried deep within."