Why are you assuming there is a God? Why are you approaching an understanding of the universe with that in mind? It seems to me you are constructing your own God because you want one to exist rather than approaching what is actually out there within and without the universe, be it gods or not.
You're not drastically off the mark in characterising my position, you simply have it in reverse. I do not approach the universe with the preconception of God's existence, presumably because of some doctrinal assertion, but rather I believe that there is a God, in part, because of the universe. Put simply, I believe that the universe is an evidence of the 'One' who created it. I'm not trying to fit the universe into a preconceived theistic framework. The universe is what it is, and because it is that way, I think it points to something else outside itself, and that is the Deity.
And of course my intellectual understanding of this is a pure construct, necessarily distinct from God itself, or for that matter anything else that exists outside of my mind. I think I stated as much in the above response to you regarding the limitations of the intellect.
As for wanting God to exist, I can't say you're wrong on that point. But I should state that I don't really think I have a choice in 'believing.' It is my (presumably) spontaneous reaction to what I feel, see, know and understand.
In essence, whether I'm simply deluded or not, I believe, and I do so spontaneously. I am not averse to considering what is inside and outside of the universe, it's simply that from what I see within it, I'm led to the belief in the existence of the Deity. And for me, there is no incongruence between the universe as it is and my understanding of God.
The above, I believe, also answers your statement:
I'd argue that learning about the universe with the goal of finding a plausible God is closer to sticking dogmatically to something than being free of the assumption that God exists in the first place and learning about the universe, as she is, whatever her nature may be.