What specific policy(s) in the Romney platform worry you from an economic perspective?
ALL of them! The Republican Party labors under the delusion that 'trickle down economics' will rejuvinate this country whereby tax breaks for the richest 2% would theoretically create jobs as these 2%, having more money would invest it in creating new jobs. This is complete and utter bullshit as it has been proven that this method does not work as most people with money would rather hang on to it than spend it trying to 'create jobs'.
Trickle Down EconomicsPlus I have been around long enough to remember the lean times of the Reagan years and the recession during the first Bush presidency. When a Democrat, Bill Clinton, was President the economy was booming! I was a senior in high school during this time and I remember how cheap gas/petrol was at the time, 99 cents per gallon. What happened to gas prices when 'Dubya' took over the presidency, it skyrocketed! Not to mention that he led us into two wars which are doing more harm than good for everyone and is a further drain on our diminishing financial resources.
So, from my observations and experience; Democrat = good, but not great and Republican = bad for anyone who is not a WASP or does not have loads of cash to throw around.