but.... is he ALSO saying that not wearing a burkha is a whippable offense?
And WHAT women request to be whipped? Why? (outside of the one
muslimah i wrote about above)
now I will watch the rest of the Debate, I am on minute 41, till now the Shaik is winning, they are desperately trying to straw man him.
He also stated that certain rules apply only to Muslims, he never said that he would punish anyone by whipping, he just said that his job is simply to tell people what is the right way to follow Islam and he said if a woman goes and asks him if she should wear Burqa then he will tell her that she will but if she doesn't want to then it is up to her, he also stated that he doesn't agree with Saudi Arabia and Iran.
Also the argument made by that lady who joined the table that who is he to talk about her rights was invalid, why shouldn't we talk about people's rights

He is not imposing it.
His claims are clear and he is saying that stoning and Burqa is for the people that accept that kind of punishment as normal and it applies to them, he even said that if he committed adultery he would have asked to get stoned, maybe he is lying but his argument is valid also he is making a parallel between the death punishment in the West for treason and apostasy and also a good parallel between imposing laws like don't park here and the Burqa even though he made it totally clear that he is not imposing anything on anyone, he is simply suggesting.