I'm gonna beat ALL of you

Okay soo...
A) All the women in this have really good eye make-up. Anyway, 28/36 :( I dislike this quiz.
B) I got a 29 which means:
"Your score puts you in the mature category of social reasoning and the majority of people will have scores in this range. Thinking here transcends the practicalities of one's preferences and exchanges to an emphasis upon social feeling, caring and conduct.
You take into account the consequences of actions for other people, whether for benefit or harm, as a consideration in its own right for deciding how one should act towards others. You emphasise relationships, thinking how you might feel if you were on the receiving end. Empathy is important, as well as compassion.
You are likely to expect others to conform to normally expected conduct, reflecting on "common decency" and will think of the chaos caused by laws being broken. You will value, love and respect others, and appreciate some higher values, as well as speaking of the benefits of a clean conscience or pride." *shrug* Sounds good

C) I did the one Godot linked, I got SCOAI (which is obviously the best

But seriously, the ones with R really suck. It's like they hate reserved people). This BBC one, "You can probably cope with things being a bit hectic or a bit quiet but, like most people, you may find extremes in either direction uncomfortable or annoying." Apparently I'm cautious, cool

I'm reluctant to try new approaches and um, there's more stuff...

D) I got bored with this one
E) I've done career tests before, usually stuff about science and stuff..
F) Impressionism. I know nothing about art, hated most of the pics, but I like the word "impressionism".

G) Wow, I didn't know my vocabulary sucked so much. I don't even know what some of the words in the multiple choice answers mean! How am I supposed to know if "hortatory" means "mendacious" if I don't know what mendacious means? LOL!

And the word "bifurcated" is so funny, whatever it means.
This is so long. -_- omg.
Hey!!! LOL! They said I have a good vocab!

And here I thought I failed. 118, 87th subscale percentile.

And FINALLY, the JCTI: I don't understand this test. It's a bunch of shapes. Like, what the heck? And it's so long! Ugh.
Anyways, I got: 127. This was the longest test ever, I just gave up at the end. -_-
Thanks Sprout for the links!