So the lovely Reverend says,
"...And the one thing that I realized, that the world has done to women is women have been degraded women are now degraded, they have no shame, there was a woman from Georgetown University, I know you've heard about this story, she testified before a commitee and ahh about condoms and birth control and all that kind of stuff and ahh in her testimony she said that women need and ahh I'm paraphrasing 'cause I don't have all her uh exact words, she said women need to be able to get free birthcontrol and ahh free condoms and ahh things like that, she said that it's not right uh that a woman can't get any special if there are in college and stuff like that and she said that womens in college spends up to $3000 on birthcontrol and condoms and things like that... a person, per person, this woman's a senator, a senator testifying about the sex they're having and that kind of stuff, and it's really about having a, maintainting a freedom to kill babies in the womb, it's really about that, cause uh that's how uh this whole thing got started, the government trying to force uh the christian community the Catholic church to pass out *something something he mumbles* and all that, so it's really about that, uh, but really just want to say about her sitting here testifying 'bout how much sex they're having out of wedlock and all these women into all these uh stuff with no shame, women would not have done that in the good old days, they would have had a sense of shame about it, but she had no shame about it, and I'm like wow, first of all she's presenting herself as, *Mumbles some name Russian something* called her a slut, and she didn't she didn't realize that uh she looked like a slut sitting there making that type of, uh making that type of profes... uh confession, that type of thing, and I'm thinking uh, wow what happened to women that this is ok for them to uh, ahh, it's brought themselves in that way..." and it goes on.Oh, thanks Rev, first of all you say that the world has degraded women, and then you say that it's 'cause women have no shame, then you go on to talk about this woman who is stating the need for free birthcontrol and condoms, and "that type of stuff" calling her a slut, saying that she looked like a slut for stating the facts of what women are up against if they want to remain STD free and not have to get pregnant if they don't want to.
And oh yeah, he goes on to state that birthcontrol and having sex out of wedlock and all that type of stuff started 'cause women wanted the freedom to kill babies in the womb.
Whereas it's the exact opposite, 'cause women are using contraception so that they won't have to go get an abortion.
Oh yeah, the government that is mostly run by men, which contradicts his previous claim that it's all gone downhill 'cause of women going into power, is somehow making all these women horny sluts running around trying to get birthcontrol and desperate to have sex here there and everywhere 'cause of their lack of shame.
I'd like to know what this guy thinks about Mo, considering he says that most men make good decisions, would Mo be one of those men?
His speech is enough to make me want to go shamelessly hump a few guys just for the sake of it.
He reminds me of Abu Amina Bilal Philips for some reason, and it's not 'cause he's African American neither.