Fist tattoo I got was "Mother" in kanji on my inside wrist.
I left home really young because I'd had enough (nothing to do with my mum, she was the only thing that kept me sane there). I used to think about her so much but I was too much of a pussy to go back. Anyway, I used to draw the kanji character in black biro on my hand and wrist and other places, or like on a doodle pad, or incorporated it somehow when I used to tag, things like that. I always had it on me somewhere. I tried tattooing it myself. I cut one line of it (not deep) but it ended up looking like just a shitty dirty line. So I went to get it done professionally.
After a few years, I went back to my mum with my tail between my legs. We made up and stuff. We'd never really fallen out, but it was still hard for me. She helped me deal with some other shit that was going on, pulled me out of a hole I was in, dusted me off, gave me another chance. I had the tattoo extended down my arm to say "Mother and Daughter". Symbolic of that union, or rejoining, that pretty much saved my life. I can't imagine ever getting sick of it or regretting it when I'm older. It's more than just ink that I'm looking at. It's a pivotal moment in my life. The opening of a new chapter. Unconditional love. It may sound silly, but I draw power from those symbols. Strength, focus, faith in optimism.
I have "Soul Mates" in kanji on my other wrist, representing my fiance and me. I thought about getting his name but it seemed less meaningful and perhaps a little trite, and soulmates kinda jumped out at me instead. He got the same on his wrist. And there is a pleasing symmetry to it also - both wrists, with me linked forever to the two most important people in my life.
I also have a little star representing someone much missed who passed away. And a few others. All meaning something. They are my story and my armour.

Just saw this. I think your tattoos sound simplistic and uncomplicated and yet the meaning and symbolism behind them is beautiful and strong - exactly what I'd like.
Exactly a month left until I'm 18 and I have the money etc. - actually getting it on the day of my 18th (a Saturday). Getting 'this, too, shall pass' on my left rib cage, underneath my heart. Considering getting it in Latin - "Et Hoc Transibit".