Good points Sakura, you've expressed yourself well!
Nuns are the very best of the Catholic women. They cover themselves in proper attire much the same way as the Muslim women. Yet, they are never allowed to marry or have children throughout their lives. This unnatural condition has caused untold number of disgraceful and disgusting practices within the very church itself.
Haha, what disgraceful and disgusting practices? Sleeping with other nuns? Oh, so shameful!
I read a book a few years back about all these nuns who'd since come out of the closet and that the biggest reason for becoming nuns was 'cause back in the day it was expected women would marry and they couldn't bring themselves to marrying a man when they were attracted to the same sex and not the male sex.
This argument of theirs is null on this point 'cause it only applies to those who consider homosexuality as being evil. If you look at practices conducted by some nuns and priests in catholic schools where child-abuse and sexual abuse went on/still happens, all I can say is this: abuse happens, whether by those who are "celebate" or those who are married with kids.
Also I hate when Islam calls women gems, and jewels. I for one don't care for Jewelry and precious metals. They are given value based on man's perception, and then men fight over, steal and kill for these 'Gems'. Gems, pearls, etc. these are all symbols of greed. :/ Real beautiful things in life are in nature, and nature is open for everyone to enjoy so long as u take care of it. UG I hate comparing women to precious gems it makes me annoyed >:[ man's precious possession is responsible for most of the bloodshed today. Be it possession of land, gold, money whatever. Women are better than that.
Exactly, why are women being compared to gems, it just shows up the whole thinking behind it that women are possesion, owned, property. It's not freedom, it's owning a woman, and even if we women were treated as precious as gems, I certainly wouldn't want to be owned, it goes with the whole argument as to why women should cover up, 'cause they are their husband's property and another man might want to steal her.
With embarrassment, I used to quote the argument of women being like gems. Very embarrassed about it now lol. Where was my head back then?
Women Need Husbands - Allah Provided the Answer prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) predicted that in the Last Days the women would outnumber the men to a great extent. Today we are seeing this become a reality all over the world. Allah has already provided for us for this occasion. After all, He is the One who makes it all happen and He already knew that many women would come into Islam in these days. He also knew many of the Muslim men would be killed or die at an early age, just as it is happening these days. These women all need husbands. Allah has given us the solution to all of life's problems.
The prophet also said that the vast majourity of people in jahannam would be women (Bukhari). Goes to show how much Allah loves us women huh? Creates the majourity of us for the hell-fire.
And exactly why do women need a husband? Many women are quite content being single, and some women like other women in *that* way, and some have been so traumatized by past relationships that they don't want a man around. A good friend of mine who is Bi doesn't ever plan on getting married again, in fact she doesn't even want sex. She's a highly paid professional who has a beautiful house, a gorgeous hair cut and enjoys life to the full. She certainly doesn't think she's hard done by in being single.
Wasn't Hanbali single for his whole life? I remember asking someone why couldn't women be single if a great islamic scholar could do so for his whole life, and the answer I got was that women are more prone to sexual immorality.
Fucking nutters.
I remember sheikh Khalid Yasin giving a lecture on why polygamy is encouraged in Islam, I actually attended a lecture of his here in Australia when he came here before he wasn't allowed back in by the Aussie government that is, anyways, he said that women had no right to complain or threaten their husband's with divorce if he marries another woman. He said that 'cause of how many men out there that are gay or in jail or alcoholics etc... that women should think of their sisters who don't have husbands and be selfless in being ok with their husbands getting a second wife, that women should do for their muslim sisters what they would do for themselves, that is let their sister have a husband by letting her husband marrying him. Forget what men get out of it, apparently it's all about love of our sisters!
Meh, whatever, my X used to go on and on about second wife, this second wife that second wife, four boobs, four vaginas, YaAllah, imagine four breasts! She would make a good second wife, look at the rack on that! so on and so forth. Bugging me on and on about how he was going to get a second wife, and would even go on muslim online matrimonal sites IN FRONT of me to look for one, and at first I was jealous and hurt but towards the end of our marriage I was like,
well FUCKING go do it, 'cause I don't want to have anything to do with you, go fucking get another wife and let her put up with you. I even begged him at one point to marry a second wife and let me live alone with the kids and him not come near me, that I would fully support him marrying a second wife if he would leave me alone and not live/have sex/come near me or the kids and that in return I would be his wife in name and would stay faithful to him but live on my own with the kids and him not come near us.
But he was like,
"What would be the point in that? I want you AND a second wife. There's no point if I can't have you as well." The fucker shoulda gone gotten one, 'cause I'm gone now!
In court he told the judge that he still considered me his wife even though we got divorced, which I dunno how he figures 'cause with me being a murtad it completely nullifies our marriage Hehe
, and then he told the court that he is looking for another wife (straight after saying that me divorcing him according to australian law isn't valid islamically and that I'm still his wife according to Islam so in essence he was telling the court that he's looking for a second wife) and that he hopes I'll come back to him so that we can have one big happy family.
The ICL asked him if he married again, that considering he considers me to still be his wife that in looking for another woman to marry, that he would be in fact getting a second wife, and he said, "Yes, well, ahhh, yes, but no, if she (meaning me) comes back to me, then I won't get a second wife, unless she (me) agrees to it."
Yeah fucking right.
![Roll Eyes](
Now am I happy being single? For sure. Do I get lonely sometimes? Yes. But the last thing I need in my life right now is a man.
I could live out my days single.
Where on earth do people get the idea that just 'cause your single that you must be pining away for a man? Some do, but many of us single women aren't.
I agree Sakura, silly arguments they make and I know when I was muslim I was constantly struggling to come up with arguments as to why women are treated at least ok in islam. It was a waging inner battle though as the evidence to the contrary was so strong, and at times I'd be left thinking, "Why am I arguing for Islam on this?" but kept up 'cause I thought it was my islamic duty or something. So sad. And such an embarrassment that I was part of the whole dawah machine, though I don't think I was very convincing lol, my heart wasn't in it, felt guilty about saying things about why Islam is so great when I didn't really believe what I was saying anyway.