Was such a fucking nightmare when praying in public i.e, no masjid near by.
Personally I always thought it was a very silly rule (alot of muslims aren't so uptight about it lol when out in places where they don't have a prayer compass etc...), but X was pedantic.
He took us to the zoo once (fucking nightmare from begining to end, him throwing tantrum after tantrum that I ended up walking away at one point as fast as could whilst his back was turned hehehe so fucking worth it

) anyways duhr come and he was leading prayer and kept changing his mind, no qiblah is this way or that, meanwhilst my daughter kept trying to run off, and my son was in the pram screaming, and a peacock was standing nearby just staring and people walking past looking at us like we were the exhibit. I'd left Islam by that point but had to pretend and wanted to fucking scream back at him ‘cause he was screaming at me that I was in the wrong position behind him therefore our facing the qibla was being made void by me.
Moral of the story, don‘t go to the zoo with an arsehole.
Qiblah is a fucking joke and a fucking pain in the bum if you dont have one of those prayer compasses and are no where near a masjid or masalah.