I don't think the whole MILF thing is about fantasizing someone as a mother. It's just a way of saying attraction to older ladies.

I get called a MILF all the fucking time by young blokes.

I absolutely hate it.
The first time I realized what the word MILF was, was when I was when I was 24 and going to college, and this 20 year old in class had this massive crush on me, well anyway, he kept calling me a MILF, and I was like HUH? What's a MILF? everyone in class burst out laughing, and they explained what it meant. I was soooo fucking embarrassed.

He tried so hard to get into my pants.

I laughed in his face one day when he was telling me that I'm going to get old and no one will want me. I was like, "So?"
Fuck he created so many problems for me in class 'cause I just wasn't interested. He even told me I could sleep with his mother if I'm batting for the other team, and I was like, "WTF? You're asking me if I want to do
your mum? That is fucked up dude." At the time I had a good female friend in class, who was completely lesbian, anyway, he started spreading around rumours that we were doing each other. Like fucking hell mate, we're just good friends, just 'cause she likes girls, and just 'cause I'm not into anyone at the moment and not interested in you, doesn't mean that we're fucking.
Eventually he moved away, only to keep text messaging me every three months or so to ask me if I was interested yet... One day he even called me saying that he'd just got a call from me, and I was like
no, I'm shopping, and he was like
you don't have to lie you know, I know you want me, you're just playing hard to get.

When we moved got my mobile number changed so have no fucking idea where he is now. So fucking glad to not get messages from him any more.