I'm down.
Hell, I'm the one who suggested that Mecca be bombarded by nuclear weapons (after an evacuation of course) and completely erased just to prove prophecy true of false...ya know, for science!
I figure no harm done, either god protects it or not.
See, this is what is so annoying about gods these days, they are so much less demonstrative
Who would be stupid enough to do that? The day that happens is the day a full on nuclear war begins which inevitably will result in the death of us all

One of the things I loved about being Muslim was that there were no intermediaries, just me and god, no going to see a father to confess my sins, no offering gifts to a priest, nothing.
I don't like how attached people are to the Kaabah though, it borders on idolatry, I remember going to visit Masjid al Haram, everyone was so determined to get up close and touch it and the meteorite they call the black stone, it's crazy man, if you're not careful you could seriously get hurt in the commotion, I remember I was shoved right up into Ibrahim's station face first
Anyway, my point is destroying the Kabaah would mean nothing, it wouldn't disprove Islam, it's already been rebuilt at least twice, it's simply the Qiblah, the direction in which all Muslims turn their faces to in prayer, a sign of unity even