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 Topic: Hi everyone, convert to islam thinking of leaving

 (Read 16865 times)
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  • Re: Hi everyone, convert to islam thinking of leaving
     Reply #30 - June 25, 2012, 03:45 PM

    yes asbie but I thought judging people was supposed to be a quality of "believers" and you guys have supposedly been "liberated".

    I'm not saying what I choose to do with my life is the best choices, I agree I've done a lot of stupid things, but I posted here to confide in people and get some advice, not be judged and accused and treated with suspicion. The sad thing is, if I was to post in a muslim forum I'd probably get treated with better manners(obviously its irrelevant because I don't want "Islamic" advice, but it's just sad that you think you would know better given how critical MY society is of religion due to its judgmental nature).
  • Re: Hi everyone, convert to islam thinking of leaving
     Reply #31 - June 25, 2012, 03:46 PM

    so note to future apostates, dont reveal to much or you wont be met with a welcoming attitude
  • Re: Hi everyone, convert to islam thinking of leaving
     Reply #32 - June 25, 2012, 03:50 PM

    I'm not getting the sense that you love your children at all to be fair.

    I will never understand the parent who finally realises Islam is false and cruel and yet stands back and allows their own children to be conditioned by it.  I guess for me love is fighting to free my children from Islam.

    Anyway I think you are trolling us. Do you think that being ex muslims means all we care about is strip parlours?  partying? sex? all of that bullshit muslims think we left islam for?

    That you would come here and immediately start banging on about your 'sex addiction' and some dumb contract about you having kids under the impression that they would always be good muslims, but all of the sudden you yourself want more, want the freedom you plan to deny to your children............give me a break.

    that would make you troll number 1736947983674657376483802 who used this story. 

    I wonder how many of these "1736947983674657376483802" trolls were in fact actual doubting muslims that got ACCUSED of being trolls based on a few posts that didnt contain anything that could be considered any sort of proof whatsoever.

    If you doubt how many muslims are in the brothels right now you are kidding yourselves, especially the pakistani community, they absolutely fill up the brothels in the inner cities, so just because you may not visit a brothel, doesnt mean that someone who does must be a troll. Not all apostates are going to be the same. the only unifying aspect is the fact that we left islam, every other factor can vary wildly
  • Re: Hi everyone, convert to islam thinking of leaving
     Reply #33 - June 25, 2012, 03:53 PM

    I really hate how many people run to the conclusion of people posting inflammatory or controversial content as trolls. He's just inconsiderate and a sexually rampant asshat.

    Ignoring the fact that I find it kind of pitiful that a grown man feels like he has to run to a handful of strangers to solve his dreams of infidelity and marital problems, I think you should just tell her and figure this issue out as a couple. She deserves to be let into the less ideal part of your mind regarding your marriage and kids. At the very least, it would give her a headstart on figuring out what to do after divorce if she sees it as a viable option. And if you decide to pursue your dream of being surrounded by sex workers for the rest of your life, just provide for and take care of your kids, man.

    "I know where I'm going and I know the truth, and I don't have to be what you want me to be. I'm free to be what I want."
    Muhammad Ali
  • Re: Hi everyone, convert to islam thinking of leaving
     Reply #34 - June 25, 2012, 03:59 PM

    I really hate how many people run to the conclusion of people posting inflammatory or controversial content as trolls. He's just inconsiderate and a sexually rampant asshat.

    For me it's nothing to do with inflammatory or controversial content, it's to do with the script he is following that other known trolls have used time and time again.

    After 8 years on ex muslim related forums, I've seen this thread way too many times to fall for it anymore.

    This is quite simply because he thinks all ex muslims leave for sexual reasons and an inability to follow the rules. 

    of course, if I am wrong, and this one time it reall is just a sexually rampant asshat who couldn't give 2 figs about the wife and kids, then I'm gonna enjoy tearing him a new one.  either way, he loses.

    Inhale the good shit, exhale the bullshit.
  • Re: Hi everyone, convert to islam thinking of leaving
     Reply #35 - June 25, 2012, 04:02 PM

    Midlife crises happen at inconvenient times. muhandis, you have my sympathy for that alone.
  • Re: Hi everyone, convert to islam thinking of leaving
     Reply #36 - June 25, 2012, 04:04 PM

    susie I agree with most of your post, YES im a dickhead and I hate myself for having such an uncontrollable sex life, and it's terrible, I know it is, but I genuinely have an addiction to it, surely its supposed to be a characteristic of the atheist community that they are less judgemental than theists though, seeing as this is one of the main criticisms of religion.

    Yes its sad that just because Im a dick that people assume therefore I must be a troll.

    Absolutely I have a duty to my children and I have every plan to ensure I provide for them financially and be there for them in any way they need and shield them from my unislamic activities.

    I should point out that there is very little reason for me to not want to "surround myself with sex workers" though as long as we are consenting adults, sex workers are socially stigmatised but I thought that sort of mentality was the sort of thing we are running away from in religion. I wasnt sure if you were saying that in a bad way or not. I really dont think there is anything logically wrong with prostitution, it doesnt seem right that I remain with my wife though, I need to try and end things. I cant ever tell her the truth though. Will have to give her a less harmful reason why we need to break up. If I can bring myself to do that. Once its over its over though...

    In terms of seeking advice here, where do you suggest I go that can help with this situation? I cant see a councillor being able to advise me much on this.

    And the option of being a fake muslim for the rest of my life is always on the table, i just wanted to see other peoples point of view
  • Re: Hi everyone, convert to islam thinking of leaving
     Reply #37 - June 25, 2012, 04:09 PM

    For me it's nothing to do with inflammatory or controversial content, it's to do with the script he is following that other known trolls have used time and time again.

    After 8 years on ex muslim related forums, I've seen this thread way too many times to fall for it anymore.

    This is quite simply because he thinks all ex muslims leave for sexual reasons and an inability to follow the rules. 

    of course, if I am wrong, and this one time it reall is just a sexually rampant asshat who couldn't give 2 figs about the wife and kids, then I'm gonna enjoy tearing him a new one.  either way, he loses.

    care to provide these other threads then so we can see how similar they are? You are aware that its possible that they actually were muslims who wanted to attend brothels etc. As I said, thousands of muslims in UK are in brothels and strip clubs and committing "zina" of one sort or another, Islams teachings on sex go against the natural instincts of a human being so its perfcetly possible that lots of muslims are confused on these issues. I dont suspect apostate muslims of all being unable to control themselves, I already said people leave for a multitude of reasons, these are simply my reasons. If I needed to troll, dont you think I could have just came here with a mundane story that is identital to everyone elses in this section of the forum and "slipped in unnoticed".

    The fact that you are accusing me of this makes it even more funny concerning who I am, what my back story is etc, I hope I get to share it with a few of you some day
  • Re: Hi everyone, convert to islam thinking of leaving
     Reply #38 - June 25, 2012, 04:10 PM

    yes asbie but I thought judging people was supposed to be a quality of "believers" and you guys have supposedly been "liberated".

    Oh, I'm perfectly fine with judging. Now that I've left Islam I'm free.  Wink

    I'm not saying what I choose to do with my life is the best choices, I agree I've done a lot of stupid things, but I posted here to confide in people and get some advice, not be judged and accused and treated with suspicion. The sad thing is, if I was to post in a muslim forum I'd probably get treated with better manners(obviously its irrelevant because I don't want "Islamic" advice, but it's just sad that you think you would know better given how critical MY society is of religion due to its judgmental nature).

    Pretty much it's like this: either you're a troll, or your story is true at face value (maybe both?). If the former, then I have no compunction in judging you and having a go at you for making a mockery of this forum and the real traumas and crises that ex-muslims face. If the latter, then you still need a kick in the pants, as it's your own choices that have led you into your predicament, and I have no obligation to associate with misogynistic, irresponsible, self-absorbed assholes like you.  Afro

    how fuck works without shit??

    Let's Play Chess!

    harakaat, friend, RIP
  • Re: Hi everyone, convert to islam thinking of leaving
     Reply #39 - June 25, 2012, 04:14 PM

    For me it's nothing to do with inflammatory or controversial content, it's to do with the script he is following that other known trolls have used time and time again.

    After 8 years on ex muslim related forums, I've seen this thread way too many times to fall for it anymore.

    This is quite simply because he thinks all ex muslims leave for sexual reasons and an inability to follow the rules. 

    of course, if I am wrong, and this one time it reall is just a sexually rampant asshat who couldn't give 2 figs about the wife and kids, then I'm gonna enjoy tearing him a new one.  either way, he loses.

    Haha, yeah pretty much this.  Cheesy

    how fuck works without shit??

    Let's Play Chess!

    harakaat, friend, RIP
  • Re: Hi everyone, convert to islam thinking of leaving
     Reply #40 - June 25, 2012, 04:16 PM

    Wow, your absolutely no different to religious lynch mobs.

    Your behaviour is far more in line with the definition of trolling btw. Can you even define what a troll is? Your a twat btw and I have no desire to associate with you either. If Im not allowed to swear at you then perhaps that rule should be applied both ways, otherwise I'll assume this forum is a free for all royal rumble of abuse with no rules.

    Non of your accusations have been backed up with anything, you called me a miysogyinist, based on what? You say I make a mockery of apostates, you dont have a clue what crap Ive been through in my life, the fact that after only a few posts on here you come out with insults and personal attacks only shows you to be an utter dick head to be honest and I dont particularly care what you have to say and I hope there is an ignore function so that I dont need to see any more of your posts. Ive been through a tonne of shit in life and I came here hoping to meet some people I could talk to and get some proper advice, you have judged me and been proper rude based on knowing absolutely zero about me
  • Re: Hi everyone, convert to islam thinking of leaving
     Reply #41 - June 25, 2012, 04:17 PM

    any mods, I have a question. Ive ignored asbie but unfortunately its still informing me that she's posted things, any way to chnage settings so I dont know of her pathetic existence as I can do without it
  • Re: Hi everyone, convert to islam thinking of leaving
     Reply #42 - June 25, 2012, 04:24 PM

    Muhandis, why does being called a troll bother you?
  • Re: Hi everyone, convert to islam thinking of leaving
     Reply #43 - June 25, 2012, 04:30 PM

    any mods, I have a question. Ive ignored asbie but unfortunately its still informing me that she's posted things, any way to chnage settings so I dont know of her pathetic existence as I can do without it

    asbie is a very strong female, you can't get angry with her for her opinion.  Grin

    Inhale the good shit, exhale the bullshit.
  • Re: Hi everyone, convert to islam thinking of leaving
     Reply #44 - June 25, 2012, 04:30 PM

    I called you a misogynist because you're considering leaving your wife because she doesn't conform to your standard of muslimah harem girl, or whatever you think she's supposed to be. I called you irresponsible because you have made all of the choices to get yourself into this position, uncoerced and unpressured. And I called you self-absorbed, because you don't really seem to have any concern about your children's well-being. There had to have been a reason you apostatized. Why wouldn't you care about your children being brought up under this influence that you reject?

    You're only making a mockery of apostates if you're a troll. I think I made that pretty clear in my post.

    In any case, it's not slanderous if it's true. If the shoe fits and whatnot.  Smiley

    how fuck works without shit??

    Let's Play Chess!

    harakaat, friend, RIP
  • Re: Hi everyone, convert to islam thinking of leaving
     Reply #45 - June 25, 2012, 04:33 PM

    anyway, here is what you want to hear:

    awww, wow, that sounds like a really tough position to be in.  I can totally relate.  I left my husband and kids because all I wanted to be was a stripper and Islam just wouldn't let me do that in peace.

    It's really hard, I know, there there.  try not to let morality or guilt or common sense fuck with your mind right now.  You're doing the right thing and we are all here for you as you fight your way to freedom and strippers.  because that is the aim, I should know, I make loads of money doing for guys what you love enough to leave your kids for.  I am so supporting you here.  You will pull through this, don't you worry.  You star you.

    Inhale the good shit, exhale the bullshit.
  • Re: Hi everyone, convert to islam thinking of leaving
     Reply #46 - June 25, 2012, 04:33 PM

    asbie is a very strong female, you can't get angry with her for her opinion.  Grin

    You said it sister!  Penises

    how fuck works without shit??

    Let's Play Chess!

    harakaat, friend, RIP
  • Re: Hi everyone, convert to islam thinking of leaving
     Reply #47 - June 25, 2012, 04:36 PM

    it bothers me because the whole criticism of religion is that people are judgmental and hypocritical. This is a place of mainly humanist ex muslims, what is the point of criticizing religion for being judgmental when your judgmental yourself and whats the point of accusing religions of being hypocritical when your being hypocritical. Now Im struggling with my situation, as Im contemplating leaving Islam I had hoped for some advice and a good community to be part of, I didn't expect judgmental crap that decides who is a good and bad person, who is a "real" and "fake" apostate, these are characteristics that are supposedly found in religious communities.

    I just felt that people could have been a little bit more impartial, understanding and give good solid advice without judging anyone. Surely that would be the moral ideal?

    Ultimately I have some huge life decisions to make and they involve outing myself as a non muslim, or leaving my city, or living a fake life as a pretend muslim so this is one of the only places I can really go for advice and I think people should have been a bit nicer. I feel they are taking their own difficult situations out on others. Just because your families treat you like crap for being an apostate or whatever, doesnt mean you should push your emotional baggage on others, we all got different and difficult situations and surely we shoudlnt judge each other and at minium if we dont have something decent to say, being quiet is always an option
  • Re: Hi everyone, convert to islam thinking of leaving
     Reply #48 - June 25, 2012, 04:37 PM

    anyway, here is what you want to hear:

    awww, wow, that sounds like a really tough position to be in.  I can totally relate.  I left my husband and kids because all I wanted to be was a stripper and Islam just wouldn't let me do that in peace.

    It's really hard, I know, there there.  try not to let morality or guilt or common sense fuck with your mind right now.  You're doing the right thing and we are all here for you as you fight your way to freedom and strippers.  because that is the aim, I should know, I make loads of money doing for guys what you love enough to leave your kids for.  I am so supporting you here.  You will pull through this, don't you worry.  You star you.

     Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy

    Sorry, this is just too much fun. I'll vamoose before I bust a gut.  lipsrsealed

    how fuck works without shit??

    Let's Play Chess!

    harakaat, friend, RIP
  • Re: Hi everyone, convert to islam thinking of leaving
     Reply #49 - June 25, 2012, 04:39 PM

    Berbs, maybe you know better than I do based on seniority alone and if he is, you can totally say "I told you so".  I just find that so irritating. If you think he's being honest, humor him with a genuine response and if you don't just ignore him. Not you as in you personally, I mean in the general sense. All the snark is unnecessary, I think.

    Muhandis, we're not going to give you a pass on your deplorable behavior just because we're non-theists. A prick is a prick is a prick no matter who you do or don't pray to. In fact, expecting to be heard out and not be judged harshly for it is inconceivable, so you might as well just go to your wife and a counselor and discuss what to do about your active disregard for her and your children and what you'll do from this point.

    "I know where I'm going and I know the truth, and I don't have to be what you want me to be. I'm free to be what I want."
    Muhammad Ali
  • Re: Hi everyone, convert to islam thinking of leaving
     Reply #50 - June 25, 2012, 04:41 PM

    anyway, here is what you want to hear:

    awww, wow, that sounds like a really tough position to be in.  I can totally relate.  I left my husband and kids because all I wanted to be was a stripper and Islam just wouldn't let me do that in peace.

    It's really hard, I know, there there.  try not to let morality or guilt or common sense fuck with your mind right now.  You're doing the right thing and we are all here for you as you fight your way to freedom and strippers.  because that is the aim, I should know, I make loads of money doing for guys what you love enough to leave your kids for.  I am so supporting you here.  You will pull through this, don't you worry.  You star you.

    thats not what "im hoping to hear", I have some tough decisions to make and some nice and sincere advice on helping me weigh my options is what I was hoping to hear and its what I would have given if it was others posting.

    There are things I dont approve of too, but I dont know other peoples situations and its not up to me to judge  people, all I can do is give the best advice I can and wish the best for people.

    And I've already said that 1) I know not all muslims leave islam in order to enjoy haraam, in fact Id say the majority leave because of the atheist arguments against christianity in europe taking root in the muslim community also, and the objections raised against religion. and 2) I know my choices were bad, I really have a problem with strippers and working girls, like an actual addiction, have you ever suffered with an addiction? If not then you dont know how difficult it is to leave something your addicted to, even if its hurting a loved one. We can sit here all day and judge alcoholics and addicted gamblers, druggies and smokers for wrecking their families, but its not as easy as that, its easy for us to judge but we dont know what hell they've been through and what emotional struggles they've got
  • Re: Hi everyone, convert to islam thinking of leaving
     Reply #51 - June 25, 2012, 04:43 PM

    it bothers me because the whole criticism of religion is that people are judgmental and hypocritical. This is a place of mainly humanist ex muslims, what is the point of criticizing religion for being judgmental when your judgmental yourself and whats the point of accusing religions of being hypocritical when your being hypocritical. Now Im struggling with my situation, as Im contemplating leaving Islam I had hoped for some advice and a good community to be part of, I didn't expect judgmental crap that decides who is a good and bad person, who is a "real" and "fake" apostate, these are characteristics that are supposedly found in religious communities.

    I just felt that people could have been a little bit more impartial, understanding and give good solid advice without judging anyone. Surely that would be the moral ideal?

    Ultimately I have some huge life decisions to make and they involve outing myself as a non muslim, or leaving my city, or living a fake life as a pretend muslim so this is one of the only places I can really go for advice and I think people should have been a bit nicer. I feel they are taking their own difficult situations out on others. Just because your families treat you like crap for being an apostate or whatever, doesnt mean you should push your emotional baggage on others, we all got different and difficult situations and surely we shoudlnt judge each other and at minium if we dont have something decent to say, being quiet is always an option

    You've ignored the compassionate, reasoned responses of members on page 1 like cogs. Instead you've decided to pick a fight with me for my honest, albeit slightly abrasive response.

    If you're really interested in reasonable advice and discourse, you sure have a strange way of showing it.

    how fuck works without shit??

    Let's Play Chess!

    harakaat, friend, RIP
  • Re: Hi everyone, convert to islam thinking of leaving
     Reply #52 - June 25, 2012, 04:44 PM

    Berbs, maybe you know better than I do based on seniority alone and if he is, you can totally say "I told you so".  I just find that so irritating. If you think he's being honest, humor him with a genuine response and if you don't just ignore him. Not you as in you personally, I mean in the general sense. All the snark is unnecessary, I think.

    Muhandis, we're not going to give you a pass on your deplorable behavior just because we're non-theists. A prick is a prick is a prick no matter who you do or don't pray to. In fact, expecting to be heard out and not be judged harshly for it is inconceivable, so you might as well just go to your wife and a counselor and discuss what to do about your active disregard for her and your children and what you'll do from this point.

    thanks susie and just so Im 100% clear, I'm not expecting you to give me the green light to do something just because I want to do it, I just want some genuine advice on the bets thing to do from your different oppinions so I can try to weigh up my options and decide what im gonna do
  • Re: Hi everyone, convert to islam thinking of leaving
     Reply #53 - June 25, 2012, 04:48 PM

    You've ignored the compassionate, reasoned responses of members on page 1 like cogs. Instead you've decided to pick a fight with me for my honest, albeit slightly abrasive response.

    If you're really interested in reasonable advice and discourse, you sure have a strange way of showing it.

    no i appreciate that some of the members offered good advice but I try to respond to each post individually so as the posts gradually moved more and more towards personal attacks and accusations then naturally my responses were to those posts. If you would have just stayed quiet and gone elsewhere then I would only have had a decent discussion with some decent people who could have offered decent advice on how to best deal with my problems.

    This forum is the ex muslim council of britain, I already told you that there are massive loads of muslims in the brothels and strip clubs, your telling me that should any of those people apostate that they will not get a warm welcome because they are doing things you find "immoral". Does that also extend to other things you find immoral? I didnt think this site was for morality police, I thought it was a place for ex muslims to post
  • Re: Hi everyone, convert to islam thinking of leaving
     Reply #54 - June 25, 2012, 04:52 PM

    no i appreciate that some of the members offered good advice but I try to respond to each post individually so as the posts gradually moved more and more towards personal attacks and accusations then naturally my responses were to those posts. If you would have just stayed quiet and gone elsewhere then I would only have had a decent discussion with some decent people who could have offered decent advice on how to best deal with my problems.

    The consensus is that you need to get some sort of counseling because you have issues to resolve with her related to you and your kids that are wholly, 100% independent of your apostasy from Islam.

    how fuck works without shit??

    Let's Play Chess!

    harakaat, friend, RIP
  • Re: Hi everyone, convert to islam thinking of leaving
     Reply #55 - June 25, 2012, 04:53 PM

    Berbs, maybe you know better than I do based on seniority alone and if he is, you can totally say "I told you so".  I just find that so irritating. If you think he's being honest, humor him with a genuine response and if you don't just ignore him. Not you as in you personally, I mean in the general sense. All the snark is unnecessary, I think.

    I agree, normally I avoid getting sucked in but as this person was reported already it's my job as admin to pop in and check it all out, and I got sucked in.  Grin

    Inhale the good shit, exhale the bullshit.
  • Re: Hi everyone, convert to islam thinking of leaving
     Reply #56 - June 25, 2012, 04:58 PM

    You want my good advice?

    See a therapist for the sex addiction and be honest to your wife even if it means she leaves you.

    You are being quite selfish and not cinsidering her feelings at all.  You're unhappy?  leave.

    I left, other people do it, so stop being dare I say it.....a pussy, and do the actual decent thing. 

    As for your kids, it saddens me to hear how dismissive you are of their futures, but it's your life and you who will feel the burn of their disappointment in you later down the line when they grow up and hate you for not caring about them.  Not because you left them and became a part time dad, shit happens all the time and that's just a sad part of life, but that you left them in Islam.

    I am angry with my father for making me a muslim, and teaching me all those fucked up things that fucked me up later in life, and you are a father too, you will feel your own children's anger if you dismiss them so easily.

    You are most likely going to ignore this advice though and typing it was a waste of time.

    Inhale the good shit, exhale the bullshit.
  • Re: Hi everyone, convert to islam thinking of leaving
     Reply #57 - June 25, 2012, 05:03 PM

    I actually think I have a problem with sex, like some sort of addiction that I cant let go of.

    muhandis sounds like Prophet material. Well grow beard , learn to shout, preach Sharia law and become a sufi saint..

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Re: Hi everyone, convert to islam thinking of leaving
     Reply #58 - June 25, 2012, 05:06 PM

    I think dealing with my kids being muslim is an issue to think about waaaaaay down the line to be honest, I dont feel its a priority issue until I sort out the immidiate mess. The reason Im not telling me wife isnt because im worried she'll leave, its because of the catastrophic horrendous mess that will occur if I do. I'd imagine id have some "fatwa" on my head (to be honest this term annoys me as it actually means religious edict and doesnt mean a death warrant but you get the picture), I doubt whether it would be safe for me to be in the city any more, Id never get any where near my kids, Id imagine my stuff will get burned, plus I cant leave just yet. My wife would be devastated, hurt and angry, as would my kids, and they would probabily blame it on my apostacy and grow up proper staunch muslims, it would be a horrible mess and noone would benefit, so I see it as better that I break up with her for bland reasons such as "things not working out" etc etc, I feel this would be a lot less difficult for everyone involved. Thats IF I decided to leave. Even that is a difficult thing and the easy in the short term, harder in the long term option is the closet apostate option but unfortunately I will probabily not be able to stay away from brothels. I can try counsilling I guess and see if it helps me control my addiction, I dont see how that would work though.
  • Re: Hi everyone, convert to islam thinking of leaving
     Reply #59 - June 25, 2012, 05:09 PM

    Have you considered Shia Islam?

    Mut'ah AKA religiously sanctioned prostitution is a-okay  Afro

    Them Iranian chicks are smoking hot too  grin12

    To be fair though the prophet had 11 wives simultaneously and many concubines so I guess you could just tell your wife you're emulating the greatest man in existence  yes
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