We can continue this discussion if you PROMISE not to disrespect my religion again.
I PROMISE not to disrespect your religion if you PROMISE not to feel offended by anything I could say or do about your religion. We are both winning in this, as you don't feel offended or disrespected, and I keep total free speech. Deal ?
As an ex-muslim, you know very well what boundaries to cross if you want to offend a muslim.
No. I am positively sure that Marjane Satrapi did not try to offend muslims when she made the comic and then the movie Persepolis. Yet she did, by representing the prophet. Why ? Because in Iran, there is no such a huge taboo about representation of Allah as there is elsewhere, I guess.
So, no, your statement is wrong, there is no clear universal boundary.
The following things should not be said to a muslim / about Islam:
1. saying/ drawing any bad things about any of the Prophets (peace be upon them all)
2. disrespecting God Almighty
3. saying terrible things about the Holy Qu'ran
So, what exactly is a bad thing ? For example, if we say that Muhammad married with Aisha when she was 6 and had sex with her when she was 9, is it a bad thing ? Because that is something some muslims says, and they don't consider it a bad thing, while other protest and consider that a bad thing.
Is the rule that we shouldn't say thing about Muhammad that
you consider bad ? Or that
we consider bad ?
With such fuzzy rules, how can we respect them ? We don't know what you will consider bad, and you don't know what we will consider bad.
Oh, and are we allowed to
think terrible things about the Qu'ran ?
Secondly, I wanted to address it, and maybe show you all that most muslims are kind and good natured, as this is what Islam promotes.
I think there are very few people here that would demonize muslims. You'd rather go to a xenophobic forum if that's your goal.
No they don't. That's why we're human beings..we respect each other (unless you want to behave like an animal - go to the zoo if that's the case).
Open an history book, mate

. Seems like the whole world is a zoo. And I would consider some prophets as nice baboons, given the killings they made or ordered.
Well would you ridicule the Queen of England to her face? I rest my case.
No if she is nice. Yes if she is obnoxious.
That should lead you to do some thinking.
1. I was talking about faiths, not attitudes that are harmful and plain wrong
What about a faith that promoted harmful and plain wrong attitudes ? Now, of course for you Islam cannot, by definition, promote anything harmful or wrong. Keep in mind that for us, it is not the case.
Listen douchbag, just because I disagree with the punishment does not mean I disagree with the law. It's a deterrent punishment so it rarely gets implemented in pratice. If God states the law, we follow it. You need to get your head out of your arse.
Basically, we need to enforce the law while not using it. Makes perfect sense. You are right, my friend, Islam is certainly the most logic religion

The original French dubbing of this anime is
EPIC. Pure gold. Best dubbing ever !! Ken le survivant forever !
(Okay, he's gone, but I wanted to make those points, just in case he is still reading or he'll come back)