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 Topic: I am back!!!!!!!!!

 (Read 2988 times)
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  • I am back!!!!!!!!!
     OP - June 28, 2012, 10:21 PM

    OK, I am back, for those who missed me even though I think no one really missed me but anyways, I wanted to say that a lot of things happened since I was banned.

    Someone related to me suffered a car accident, she is 23, she is in Coma and diagnosed with Cerebral Death, it has been a tough time, trying to be there for people who are going through this is not easy and even when u try u don't really know what to say, they have consulted some Clinics in Austria and her sister went to personally meet with this world class brilliant Neuro Surgeon for a second Opinion, he said there is nothing to be done :(, now they are waiting for a third opinion, I don't know, pretty tough stuff.

    the famous neuro surgeon:

    My Aunt lost her eye vision from her high blood pressure, I went to visit her since she lives alone, I saw her laying down, I asked her what is wrong she couldn't talk much, her eyes were swollen, I called the ambulance, her blood pressure was 230 with 170, they gave her injections and medications.

    I am  gonna be pretty busy this summer, a bunch of my cousins are getting married and so are some of my friends.

  • Re: I am back!!!!!!!!!
     Reply #1 - June 28, 2012, 10:26 PM

    I'm sorry to hear about your aunt and other relation, Sturmgewehr.  Best wishes to you and your family. 

    "Befriend them not, Oh murtads, and give them neither parrot nor bunny."  - happymurtad's advice on trolls.
  • Re: I am back!!!!!!!!!
     Reply #2 - June 28, 2012, 10:34 PM


    Welcome back! Sorry to hear about your aunt and relative... All the best, man.

    far away hug
  • Re: I am back!!!!!!!!!
     Reply #3 - June 28, 2012, 10:34 PM

    Welcome back sturmgewehr!  parrot

    Sorry to hear about one of your relatives going in coma and your aunt, hope they both get well soon. 

    I am  gonna be pretty busy this summer, a bunch of my cousins are getting married and so are some of my friends.

    Not to each other, I hope. Grin
  • Re: I am back!!!!!!!!!
     Reply #4 - June 28, 2012, 10:41 PM

    Thnx guys Smiley, I appreciate it.

    @ -Tmp-

    haah good one.

    No that is not going to happen, Albanians are pretty strict about marriage and who they marry, the Albanian tradition as written in the Albanian Code (Kanun) condemns marrying your cousins, you are not allowed to even think of marrying ur 7th cousin people who do so or more precisely who did so in medieval ages were disowned or expelled from the clan and no protection was offered to them.

    We are not Turks to marry our first cousins, I have heard many Arabs marry their cousins, we consider it repugnant over here.

  • Re: I am back!!!!!!!!!
     Reply #5 - June 28, 2012, 10:45 PM

    Welcome back mate Smiley

    and sorry to hear about your aunt and your relative, hang in there

    "I'm standing here like an asshole holding my Charles Dickens"

    "No theory,No ready made system,no book that has ever been written to save the world. i cleave to no system.."-Bakunin
  • Re: I am back!!!!!!!!!
     Reply #6 - June 28, 2012, 10:52 PM

    I'm did really miss you and i am so glad you are back. I suppose I am the last person you thought would say that. I hope you go to the thread where you got banned I wrote there.

    I am so sorry about the insueing death of your relative. There are no words to make your suffering less perhaps only in time you and your grief will come to terms and live in peace.

    As to your another relative is her vision lost for good? So much grief she must be enduring. May she draw strength from those who have suffered before her. Lend her what strength you may.

    I hope between enjoying the weddings you can come visit here and share all the ways that you are seeing the world.

     grin12 I hope all the women are sensible and wear flats.

     far away hug

    If at first you succeed...try something harder.

    Failing isn't falling down. Failing is not getting back up again.
  • Re: I am back!!!!!!!!!
     Reply #7 - June 28, 2012, 10:54 PM

    Hey dude. I'm sorry to read your news also, sounds like you and your loved ones have had a really rough deal recently.

    Hope you dont mind me asking, why are you so angry in that avatar? That's not the person that comes across from the posts I've read so far of yours? And why did you get banned?

  • Re: I am back!!!!!!!!!
     Reply #8 - June 28, 2012, 11:00 PM

    I'm did really miss you and i am so glad you are back. I suppose I am the last person you thought would say that. I hope you go to the thread where you got banned I wrote there.

    I am so sorry about the insueing death of your relative. There are no words to make your suffering less perhaps only in time you and your grief will come to terms and live in peace.

    As to your another relative is her vision lost for good? So much grief she must be enduring. May she draw strength from those who have suffered before her. Lend her what strength you may.

    I hope between enjoying the weddings you can come visit here and share all the ways that you are seeing the world.

     grin12 I hope all the women are sensible and wear flats.

     far away hug

    Forgive the digression, but I just wanted to say, Lynna, that I've seen a few of your posts around. And you seem like a gentle angel, who gracefully descends on this forum every now and then. And when you do, your love and empathy and kindness and good advice, shine through in all of your posts.

    Anyways, just saying  Afro

  • Re: I am back!!!!!!!!!
     Reply #9 - June 28, 2012, 11:02 PM

    Sorry to hear about your relatives's health problems. Hope you are able to keep yourself occupied this summer and have some joy at those weddings.

    Anyway, welcome back!  Smiley

    how fuck works without shit??

    Let's Play Chess!

    harakaat, friend, RIP
  • Re: I am back!!!!!!!!!
     Reply #10 - June 28, 2012, 11:13 PM

    I'm did really miss you and i am so glad you are back. I suppose I am the last person you thought would say that. I hope you go to the thread where you got banned I wrote there.

    I am so sorry about the insueing death of your relative. There are no words to make your suffering less perhaps only in time you and your grief will come to terms and live in peace.

    As to your another relative is her vision lost for good? So much grief she must be enduring. May she draw strength from those who have suffered before her. Lend her what strength you may.

    I hope between enjoying the weddings you can come visit here and share all the ways that you are seeing the world.

     grin12 I hope all the women are sensible and wear flats.

     far away hug

    1st paragraph: It is true, I am surprised that u missed me and I would have never though u were the one to miss me, I think i have underestimated u, hmmmmm I really appreciate it Smiley, I missed u all here, I missed the forum in general as well Smiley

    2nd paragraph: yeah :(, it sucks, it sucks more to see her sister and parents in this big ordeal of pain, I am trying to be there for some of them, it is hard how they move between denial and accepting reality in short periods of times.

    3rd: I think she lost her vision for good, she lost her right eye 3 years ago from high blood pressure now she lost the other one, she says she can only see a black mountain in front of her, even if some of her vision comes back which the doctors said could happen they still said 90%+ of her left eye's vision has been lost.

    4th Paragraph: I am not a big fan of weddings, I don't like a bunch of people gathered to compare clothes plus I have put some weight lately, my mom left to Canada she won't be back for 3 months, there is no one to iron me and most of the clothes don't fit me, so I am screwed pretty much :p

    Last line: I am impressed, u remembered that Cheesy, if I see one wearing flats I will make sure I break her legs (j/k), maaaaan I hate flats.

    Hey dude. I'm sorry to read your news also, sounds like you and your loved ones have had a really rough deal recently.

    Hope you dont mind me asking, why are you so angry in that avatar? That's not the person that comes across from the posts I've read so far of yours? And why did you get banned?

    Thanks man.

    My angry Avatar, hmmmmmmm everyone asks me that question, I don't know, that is my benchmark, I mean it, I am a member of several forums, I have been using this same exact avatar since 2006 when I joined the first online forum and I have never changed my avatar neither my nick name, if u see STURMGEWEHR and that Avatar in another forum, that is me.

    I am usually calm, non violent unless my life or my family's safety is threatened which is normal for every person to get violent in such occasions and act protective.

    Some people think I am some kind of Neo Nazi because Sturmgewehr was the first Automatic Assault rifle to be manufactured during the Nazi regime but of course that is not the case, I despise Racism and I don't judge people based on their pigmentation.

    Why I got banned??? well, I think I got banned unfairly,
    Anyways I don't wanna discuss it here, we discussed it back then and I think there is no need neither a point into discussing it.

    @ asbie:

    Thanks Smiley

  • Re: I am back!!!!!!!!!
     Reply #11 - June 28, 2012, 11:16 PM

    No that is not going to happen, Albanians are pretty strict about marriage and who they marry, the Albanian tradition as written in the Albanian Code (Kanun) condemns marrying your cousins, you are not allowed to even think of marrying ur 7th cousin people who do so or more precisely who did so in medieval ages were disowned or expelled from the clan and no protection was offered to them.

    We are not Turks to marry our first cousins, I have heard many Arabs marry their cousins, we consider it repugnant over here.

    Well that's nice. Good on you Albanians!   grin12
  • Re: I am back!!!!!!!!!
     Reply #12 - June 28, 2012, 11:18 PM

    This thread has taken an inadvisable turn.  I'm censoring your post Sturmgewehr, Nazi that I am.  Any complaints, feel free to make them in private.  

    "Befriend them not, Oh murtads, and give them neither parrot nor bunny."  - happymurtad's advice on trolls.
  • Re: I am back!!!!!!!!!
     Reply #13 - June 28, 2012, 11:20 PM

    Why I got banned??? well, I think I got banned unfairly, (snip)

    Oh I remember that thread, hard to believe you got banned over an image lol. At least you're unbanned now.  Smiley

    There's a new thread to post memes:
  • Re: I am back!!!!!!!!!
     Reply #14 - July 01, 2012, 09:06 AM

    @ -Tmp-

    LOL, I am checking it now, some funnyass memes Cheesy

  • Re: I am back!!!!!!!!!
     Reply #15 - July 02, 2012, 01:01 AM

    Just saw this, sorry for being late.

    Welcome back Sturmy! Glad you're here Smiley

    I'm sorry to hear about your relative and your aunt. It must have been awful.  far away hug I hope it gets better soon.

    Self ban for Ramadan (THAT RHYMES)

    Expect me to come back a Muslim. Cool Tongue j/k we'll see..
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