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 Topic: Hi

 (Read 3173 times)
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  • Hi
     OP - July 01, 2012, 03:30 AM

    Hey, I'm a new member and I not officaily left as a Muslim yet but I am delving into and might decide to become an Agnostic but first I want everyone views etc.

    I was first asked to go into Islam by my religious mum, and my father but he isn't that religious. As I grew older I heard a few story telling me about how bad Islam is and at first I didn't believe it but I kept looking further for the truth and found some shocking things. My country of origin is Pakistan but I am born and raised in England. I would say yeah most of my family would class themselves as religious but they still listen to the 'devils music' 'pluck there eyebrows', look over girls etc, and yet many people still call themselves muslim!

    Football, Music!

    I am quite young and might not understand but I am willing to learn~!
  • Re: Hi
     Reply #1 - July 01, 2012, 03:45 AM

    Hi and welcome!!! Smiley I hope you find help and answers here. Here's a customary parrot that's given to newbies:  parrot Smiley

    Also, the fact that someone plucks their eyebrows, listens to music, etc doesn't make them leave the fold of Islam. Leaving Islam involves rejecting it, not disobeying it. Tongue

    Self ban for Ramadan (THAT RHYMES)

    Expect me to come back a Muslim. Cool Tongue j/k we'll see..
  • Re: Hi
     Reply #2 - July 01, 2012, 03:55 AM

    Hey and thanks, I have just written another post which I will kind of embarass myself in then  whistling2. But hey man and I do hope I learn .

    Football, Music!

    I am quite young and might not understand but I am willing to learn~!
  • Re: Hi
     Reply #3 - July 01, 2012, 04:02 AM

    LOL no worries. Tongue I embarrass myself all the time. Plus I read your other post and I see what you mean  Afro

    So are you a guy/girl/alien? And (if you want to say), how old are you?

    I like knowing people's histories. grin12

    Self ban for Ramadan (THAT RHYMES)

    Expect me to come back a Muslim. Cool Tongue j/k we'll see..
  • Re: Hi
     Reply #4 - July 01, 2012, 04:06 AM

    Guys, Age Under-17  Wink

    Football, Music!

    I am quite young and might not understand but I am willing to learn~!
  • Re: Hi
     Reply #5 - July 01, 2012, 04:07 AM

    OMG YOU'RE YOUNGER THAN ME dance dance dance

    Hello child!!!! Welcome to the Forum for Grown Ups. Tongue

    j/k j/k Smiley

    Self ban for Ramadan (THAT RHYMES)

    Expect me to come back a Muslim. Cool Tongue j/k we'll see..
  • Re: Hi
     Reply #6 - July 01, 2012, 04:09 AM

    Hehe don't worry I am quite Mature to study this kind of stuff, plus I like hearing form older people!

    Football, Music!

    I am quite young and might not understand but I am willing to learn~!
  • Re: Hi
     Reply #7 - July 01, 2012, 04:11 AM

    I like hearing old(er) people's views too. Because they've been alive longer and have experience and stuff.

    Glad to hear that you're mature. There's absolutely no room for immaturity on this forum.  040

    I'm just kidding!! grin12 Do you know what you want to be when you grow up? Job wise, I mean.

    Self ban for Ramadan (THAT RHYMES)

    Expect me to come back a Muslim. Cool Tongue j/k we'll see..
  • Re: Hi
     Reply #8 - July 01, 2012, 04:26 AM

    Hmm I'd like to do something in Music like become a DJ or works as a Chef. I had a dream of becoming a doctor but they are fading away  Cry haha what about you?

    Football, Music!

    I am quite young and might not understand but I am willing to learn~!
  • Re: Hi
     Reply #9 - July 01, 2012, 04:43 AM

    Welcome to the forum dMLS, have a rabbit.  bunny

    how fuck works without shit??

    Let's Play Chess!

    harakaat, friend, RIP
  • Re: Hi
     Reply #10 - July 01, 2012, 05:10 AM

    Hmm I'd like to do something in Music like become a DJ or works as a Chef. I had a dream of becoming a doctor but they are fading away  Cry haha what about you?

    Whoa, that's intense!!! What can you cook? Pakistani food at all?

    And umm not sure atm, possibly a doctor except it takes so frigging long. Might get an MBA or become a teacher. Probably end up being a housewife.  Afro

    Self ban for Ramadan (THAT RHYMES)

    Expect me to come back a Muslim. Cool Tongue j/k we'll see..
  • Re: Hi
     Reply #11 - July 02, 2012, 12:46 PM

    Welcome, dMLS .
    If you haven't done so already, I think reading the Quran is the best way to make your mind up, because if you disagree/don't believe in what it says, then you are quite irreconcilable with Islam, as it is the core and the holiest of it, I guess.
  • Re: Hi
     Reply #12 - July 02, 2012, 01:03 PM

    welcome dMLS ... bunny
  • Re: Hi
     Reply #13 - July 04, 2012, 05:09 AM

  • Re: Hi
     Reply #14 - July 05, 2012, 12:49 PM

    Hi heres you parrot lol:  parrot (wonder what the story is with those welcome parrots)

    who's the guy in your avator?

    Regarding Yi Sun-Sin's comment concerning reading the Qur'an to find out if Islam is for you or not, I'd have to disagree. Islam contains too much literature for one person to study, plus we don't know arabic so there is the issue of the "real" translation etc.

    I think the best way to make your mind up is to look at both sides and see which one makes more sense to you. Go to forums from both sides, go to mosques, go to council of ex muslim conferences and talks, read books from both sides, go to various sites from both sides etc and basically try to figure out which side makes more sense. The truth will become clear to you and any sincere person in my opinion. If you really want the truth and you look at both sides, it should be clear to you which one seems right. That doesn't just apply to religion, it applies to any situation really. That's my advice. See who you think gives you the most convincing answers
  • Re: Hi
     Reply #15 - July 05, 2012, 02:19 PM

    welcome dude
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