Hi heres you parrot lol:

(wonder what the story is with those welcome parrots)
who's the guy in your avator?
Regarding Yi Sun-Sin's comment concerning reading the Qur'an to find out if Islam is for you or not, I'd have to disagree. Islam contains too much literature for one person to study, plus we don't know arabic so there is the issue of the "real" translation etc.
I think the best way to make your mind up is to look at both sides and see which one makes more sense to you. Go to forums from both sides, go to mosques, go to council of ex muslim conferences and talks, read books from both sides, go to various sites from both sides etc and basically try to figure out which side makes more sense. The truth will become clear to you and any sincere person in my opinion. If you really want the truth and you look at both sides, it should be clear to you which one seems right. That doesn't just apply to religion, it applies to any situation really. That's my advice. See who you think gives you the most convincing answers