Ok this is not a one time offer, but a yearly offer, See it is Lailatul Baraa tonight, this means Allah forgives your sins, so you can wipe your slate clean tonight and then start boozining, fornicating, be adulterous etc for the next year before your slate can be wiped clean again
So lets make this duah:
O Allah, Surely you Are All-Powerful over every thing,
In the light of this most auspicious night of Shabe Bara'at(Lailatul Bara'at) coming up I ask ALLAH & you for forgiveness, if I have said or done you wrong in any way,
whether intentionally or unintentionally. May He Grant us HIS LOVE & the love of His beloved Nabi Muhammad (SAW)
Ya Rabb forgive us our sins & misdeeds, that which we do knowingly or unknowingly.
Grant us thy Love & the love of those who love Thee.
Guide us on the path of righteousness, the path of the pious, the truthful & the patient
For all those that are ill, may Almighty Allah grant them shif'ah, whether their illness is mental, physical or spiritual, may He grant your families Peace and happiness,
May He grant you and your families His Comfort, for He is the comforter.
May Allah remove the wicked intentions of others & infuse us all with His Love & Rahmat.
For those that have left this realm, may Almighty Allah grant them Jannatul Firdous, may He make the athaab of the Qabr easy on them,
May Allah make spacious the Qabr of all that have passed on & May His Noor fill their Qabr.
Ya Allah, forgive them as they have forgiven us, Ya Allah
For All those who seek - May Allah grant us Hidaayat,
May He fortify our hearts with Iman, love & humility –
May He grant us Yaqeen in HIM –.
Ya Allah please accept our duas on this Day .I ask that you kindly remember me in your duas as I will surely remember you and your family.
May the blessings of Almighty Allah be on you and your family.
May Almighty Allah in His Infinite Mercy & Wisdom shower you with His blessings & His mercy
Ya Allah please forgive all our sins and Please accept all our humble duas
May Allah forgive all our sins
"See all your sins have been absolved"
Signed: Jibraeel