Re: Golden Ratio and Mecca?
Reply #1 - August 25, 2012, 09:47 AM
If we assume the Earth as spherical (which is not), the "golden parallel" in the northern hemisphere is:
((2*pi)/(1+sqrt(5)) - (pi/2)) radians
which is
21.246118 degrees north
which is
21°14'46" north
which is 19 km south of the Kaaba
Earth is not spherical, though: the poles are closer to the centre than the equator, so the actual "golden parallel" should be even more to the south than that.
Also, the Arabian tectonic plate is moving northward at something like 4-5 cm per year, which means that any such calculations do not make sense to begin with, since Mecca, like any place on Earth, is slowly moving.
Do not look directly at the operational end of the device.