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 Topic: Brutal Rogues of Islam tried to kill that 13 year old girl Malala Yousafzai

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  • Re: Brutal Rogues of Islam tried to kill that 13 year old girl Malala Yousafzai
     Reply #90 - October 15, 2012, 12:20 AM

    Well the if the Taiban keeping attacking with suicide bombers soon there will be barely any taliban left

    In my opinion a life without curiosity is not a life worth living
  • Re: Brutal Rogues of Islam tried to kill that 13 year old girl Malala Yousafzai
     Reply #91 - October 15, 2012, 12:22 AM

    Nuke the Taliban. Hey, what else are nukes good for?

    Devious, treacherous, murderous, neanderthal, sub-human of the West. bunny
  • Re: Brutal Rogues of Islam tried to kill that 13 year old girl Malala Yousafzai
     Reply #92 - October 15, 2012, 12:23 AM

    Well the if the Taiban keeping attacking with suicide bombers soon there will be barely any taliban left

    I think all suicide bombers should do practice runs first to make sure their bombs work, before going public. parrot

    Devious, treacherous, murderous, neanderthal, sub-human of the West. bunny
  • Re: Brutal Rogues of Islam tried to kill that 13 year old girl Malala Yousafzai
     Reply #93 - October 15, 2012, 03:51 AM

    Beautifully written piece:

    The aftermath of the attack saw the usual clichés, one of which is, “We are all Malala”. No, we are not. Had all of us or even most of been Malala, these medieval thugs could not have attacked her. Had enough of us been Malala, nobody would have dared to make excuses for this murderous assault. By all means, feel terrible about us not being Malala but also feel worse and angry that the one who was Malala is now fighting for her life because of our failure to protect her. Also, assume the liberty of shaming with contempt and rage anyone who tries to make an excuse for this.


    "Blessed are they who can laugh at themselves, for they shall never cease to be amused."
  • Re: Brutal Rogues of Islam tried to kill that 13 year old girl Malala Yousafzai
     Reply #94 - October 15, 2012, 07:04 AM

    Malala Yousafzai    sent to Britain for treatment  says BBC news

    Malala Yousafzai has until now been at a military hospital in Rawalpindi, with doctors saying her progress over the next few days would be "critical". The girl wrote a diary about suffering under the Taliban and was accused by them of "promoting secularism".

    The UK said Malala's transfer followed London's offer to help her in any way. The Pakistani army said Malala's trip was being sponsored by the United Arab Emirates. A team of medics are accompanying the girl. The plane carrying Malala Yousafzai has already left Pakistan. It is not clear where in the UK she is to be taken.  "The panel of doctors recommended that Malala be shifted abroad to a UK centre which has the capability to provide integrated care to children who have sustained severe injury," it said.

    She is expected to need treatment to repair or replace damaged bones in her skull and to undergo neurological treatment. UK Foreign Secretary William Hague said the attack on Malala and her friends "shocked Pakistan and the world" and that her bravery was "an example to us all". "Malala will now receive specialist medical care in an NHS [National Health Service] hospital. Our thoughts remain with Malala and her family at this difficult time."

    These fools at GHQ should not have waited for so much time to send her to US or US of A...

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Re: Brutal Rogues of Islam tried to kill that 13 year old girl Malala Yousafzai
     Reply #95 - October 15, 2012, 07:42 AM

    Beautifully written piece:

    Well written. I checked a few of the other articles on the site too. Seems this incident has caused quite a stir, but the number of protestors in the streets has apparently been far lower than the number who went nuts over that silly film.

    Devious, treacherous, murderous, neanderthal, sub-human of the West. bunny
  • Re: Brutal Rogues of Islam tried to kill that 13 year old girl Malala Yousafzai
     Reply #96 - October 15, 2012, 05:30 PM

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Re: Brutal Rogues of Islam tried to kill that 13 year old girl Malala Yousafzai
     Reply #97 - October 16, 2012, 05:22 PM

    Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (the TTP)  labels Malala as 'an American spy'

    KARACHI: The outlawed Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) Tuesday defended the attack on Malala Yousafzai, rejecting that she was an innocent girl and labeling her as a US spy.  The central spokesman of TTP, Ahsanullah Ahsan, in a detailed statement issued to the media said Malala's date of birth is July 1997 which makes her 15 years four months old today. "Even if no sign of puberty becomes noticeable, this age of the girl marks the end of pre-puberty phase."


    The statement said: "In Islam and Pakhtun traditions there is absolutely no room for an attack on a woman of pure virtues. But in cases where a woman is seen as a clear sinner who stands in defiance of Shariah, such a woman is not only allowed to be attacked but there is an obligatory instruction for such an action." The TTP spokesman said, Malala Yousafzai was 'a spy who divulged secrets of Mujahidden and Taliban through BBC and in return received awards and rewards from the Zionists'.

    "She not only spied against Mujahideen but also created propaganda against them. The Gul Makai diary is an embodiment of anti-Taliban views," he continued. "She has received the punishment for her sin." The spokesman further said that Malala was brought before the media under a pre-planned strategy so that she could pollute the minds of the youth against the Taliban.

    "The other reason for the attack on Malala was her activism aimed at sparking a feud within the Islamic society of Pakhtuns." He clarified that she was not attacked for her pursuit of education. "Had it been for education, then there are scores of girls who go out to school (they would have been attacked too)." "Taliban executed the attack on an adult girl only after she emerged as a pivotal character in the media war against us," the TTP spokesman Ahsanullah Ahsan argued.
    that is funny to see   Mr. Tagore Book in her father's hand at 0.54 mts...  indeed Father and mother are the best inspiration to girls...

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Re: Brutal Rogues of Islam tried to kill that 13 year old girl Malala Yousafzai
     Reply #98 - October 16, 2012, 07:04 PM

    That documentary of Malala just broke my heart. What a girl, and what a father. Watch it, you might get emotional though.

    If her family want refuge afterwards, I hope our government allows Malala and her family to stay in Britain. Pakistan's loss would be our gain. I just want to hug her father and her.

    By the way, on Sky News tonight, the correspondent outside the hospital said that although they can't give a definite prognosis, she is making progress, and I quote, doctors believe that she should make enough of a recovery to be able to walk out of the hospital on her own two feet eventually - in a matter of weeks or months.

    "we can smell traitors and country haters"

    God is Love.
    Love is Blind. Stevie Wonder is blind. Therefore, Stevie Wonder is God.

  • Re: Brutal Rogues of Islam tried to kill that 13 year old girl Malala Yousafzai
     Reply #99 - October 16, 2012, 09:19 PM

    I really hope not. But yeah... it's looking like that. India needs to be the better person and reach out (there are efforts to do that AFAIK). I have a lot more hope for India. Pakistan is the bastard child and there has been a lot of shit between the 2 countries. But it is in India's interest to help alleviate its neighbour's insanity, rather than stoke it (which a small, fringe hindu nationalist minority does tend to do).

    Ah, blame Hindu fringe minority, always, it is the fault of Hindu bigots, even if not a single Hindu bigot suicide bomber has blown up anyone, still blame the Hindu bigots!

    Do you think that Pakistanis would appreciate Indians for helping them? Do you think that the ISI would stop sending terrorists to India?

    The hatred of Hindus and India is built into the psyche and soul of every Pakistani - it matters not what India does or does not do. This will never change, not even in 1000 years.

    Do you think that Pakistanis appreciate that there are 150 million Muslims in India (In 1947, there were only 35 million)? On the contrary the population of Hindus has declined from 8 millions (28% of the total population in 1947) to 1 million (less than 1% of the total population today).

    वासुदैव कुटुम्बकम्
    Entire World is One Family
    سارا سنسار ايک پريوار ہے
  • Re: Brutal Rogues of Islam tried to kill that 13 year old girl Malala Yousafzai
     Reply #100 - October 16, 2012, 09:43 PM

    allat is a Pakistani and hatred of Hindus isn't in her soul.

    "we can smell traitors and country haters"

    God is Love.
    Love is Blind. Stevie Wonder is blind. Therefore, Stevie Wonder is God.

  • Re: Brutal Rogues of Islam tried to kill that 13 year old girl Malala Yousafzai
     Reply #101 - October 17, 2012, 12:00 AM

    Ah, blame Hindu fringe minority, always, it is the fault of Hindu bigots, even if not a single Hindu bigot suicide bomber has blown up anyone, still blame the Hindu bigots!

    Do you think that Pakistanis would appreciate Indians for helping them? Do you think that the ISI would stop sending terrorists to India?

    The hatred of Hindus and India is built into the psyche and soul of every Pakistani - it matters not what India does or does not do. This will never change, not even in 1000 years.

    Do you think that Pakistanis appreciate that there are 150 million Muslims in India (In 1947, there were only 35 million)? On the contrary the population of Hindus has declined from 8 millions (28% of the total population in 1947) to 1 million (less than 1% of the total population today).

    Way to go, ascribing your own racism on me, after all I've posted here and elsewhere. I won't even dignify this with a response.

    "Blessed are they who can laugh at themselves, for they shall never cease to be amused."
  • Re: Brutal Rogues of Islam tried to kill that 13 year old girl Malala Yousafzai
     Reply #102 - October 17, 2012, 12:09 AM

    You just did. grin12

    Devious, treacherous, murderous, neanderthal, sub-human of the West. bunny
  • Re: Brutal Rogues of Islam tried to kill that 13 year old girl Malala Yousafzai
     Reply #103 - October 17, 2012, 01:00 AM

    No I did not respond to his stupid racist remarks. Just pointed out what they are and why I will not play his game.

    "Blessed are they who can laugh at themselves, for they shall never cease to be amused."
  • Re: Brutal Rogues of Islam tried to kill that 13 year old girl Malala Yousafzai
     Reply #104 - October 17, 2012, 01:05 AM

    Ram, learn the difference between identifying a problem and then projecting that to a total generality - especially when you include in your net Pakistanis like allat who is the very antithesis of a Hindu hating bigot. There are lots of Pakistanis here like that. If you had spent enough time paying attention here you would have been attentive to that.

    "we can smell traitors and country haters"

    God is Love.
    Love is Blind. Stevie Wonder is blind. Therefore, Stevie Wonder is God.

  • Re: Brutal Rogues of Islam tried to kill that 13 year old girl Malala Yousafzai
     Reply #105 - October 17, 2012, 12:04 PM

    that female baboon is named as dr.. dr. of Islam  the baboon name is  Dr. Samia Raheel Qazi  .. This fool and her group trying to compare  this 13 year old girl with that dr. Afia Siddique who is in American prison  to confuse the issue., They confuse themselves and confuse the public that have no background of Islam..

    that picture above is the propaganda of these baboons of Islam..  

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Re: Brutal Rogues of Islam tried to kill that 13 year old girl Malala Yousafzai
     Reply #106 - October 17, 2012, 12:43 PM

    A translation of the picture would be nice.
    even though Urdu is my 3rd language, I'll give it a go.

    I think the writing in the picture says:

    "Doctor Aafia Siddique's idol."

    "Malala Yousufsai's idol"

    "Which idol do you like???  Aafia's or Malala's???  Answer with though and understanding - It's a matter of faith."

    How did I do? Correct me if anything is wrong.
    I'd try to translate the videos, but it'll probably take me months and spoken Urdu goes too fast for me to grasp all of it.

  • Re: Brutal Rogues of Islam tried to kill that 13 year old girl Malala Yousafzai
     Reply #107 - October 17, 2012, 02:00 PM

    A translation of the picture would be nice.
    even though Urdu is my 3rd language, I'll give it a go.

    I think the writing in the picture says:

    "Doctor Aafia Siddique's idol."

    "Malala Yousufsai's idol"

    "Which idol do you like???  Aafia's or Malala's???  Answer with though and understanding - It's a matter of faith."

    How did I do? Correct me if anything is wrong.
    I'd try to translate the videos, but it'll probably take me months and spoken Urdu goes too fast for me to grasp all of it.

    That picture also says

    "... Aafia represents Faith.. Islam...
    ....Malala represents America..Obama..."

    well done UberSlave.. so what else is going on in your neck of the world..?  

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Re: Brutal Rogues of Islam tried to kill that 13 year old girl Malala Yousafzai
     Reply #108 - October 17, 2012, 08:51 PM

    So once again I'm left with the classic Irish man's dilemma, do I eat the potato or do I let it ferment so I can drink it later?
    My political philosophy below
    Just kidding, here are some true heros
  • Re: Brutal Rogues of Islam tried to kill that 13 year old girl Malala Yousafzai
     Reply #109 - October 17, 2012, 09:00 PM

    Great news.   dance

    "Befriend them not, Oh murtads, and give them neither parrot nor bunny."  - happymurtad's advice on trolls.
  • Re: Brutal Rogues of Islam tried to kill that 13 year old girl Malala Yousafzai
     Reply #110 - October 17, 2012, 09:06 PM

    Great. Fingers crossed. Smiley

    Devious, treacherous, murderous, neanderthal, sub-human of the West. bunny
  • Re: Brutal Rogues of Islam tried to kill that 13 year old girl Malala Yousafzai
     Reply #111 - October 17, 2012, 09:27 PM

    As much as its good that she has become the focus of outrage against the extremists and has galvanised opposition in Pakistan and around the world, I hope the media and everyone else allows her and her family the space to recover and take stock after she is released from hospital.

    "we can smell traitors and country haters"

    God is Love.
    Love is Blind. Stevie Wonder is blind. Therefore, Stevie Wonder is God.

  • Re: Brutal Rogues of Islam tried to kill that 13 year old girl Malala Yousafzai
     Reply #112 - October 17, 2012, 10:01 PM

    Way to go, ascribing your own racism on me, after all I've posted here and elsewhere. I won't even dignify this with a response.

    A typical response of a pseudo liberal. The accusation of racism is commonly used to shut down the debate. It has worked up to now, but I don't think it will work anymore.

    Pakistanis have to solve their problems on their own, without the help from Hindus in India. Besides, what makes you think that Pakistanis would want India's help? Pakistanis are not stupid, they are just blinded by their hatred of Hindus.

    वासुदैव कुटुम्बकम्
    Entire World is One Family
    سارا سنسار ايک پريوار ہے
  • Re: Brutal Rogues of Islam tried to kill that 13 year old girl Malala Yousafzai
     Reply #113 - October 17, 2012, 10:05 PM


    "Blessed are they who can laugh at themselves, for they shall never cease to be amused."
  • Re: Brutal Rogues of Islam tried to kill that 13 year old girl Malala Yousafzai
     Reply #114 - October 17, 2012, 10:11 PM

    Ram, learn the difference between identifying a problem and then projecting that to a total generality - especially when you include in your net Pakistanis like allat who is the very antithesis of a Hindu hating bigot. There are lots of Pakistanis here like that. If you had spent enough time paying attention here you would have been attentive to that.

    I did not say that Allat is a Hindu hating bigot. Please don't try to put words in my mouth. I just brought to his attention the inane remarks he made about Hindu "bigots". Do you think Pakistanis are interested in getting help from India?

    Pakistanis do not need help from anyone. What they need is learn to live with each other. Pakistanis should learn to respect the people of differing viewpoints and religions.

    वासुदैव कुटुम्बकम्
    Entire World is One Family
    سارا سنسار ايک پريوار ہے
  • Re: Brutal Rogues of Islam tried to kill that 13 year old girl Malala Yousafzai
     Reply #115 - October 17, 2012, 10:14 PM

    You said every Pakistani has hatred for India in their heart. That it is built into the psyche and soul of every Pakistani.

    That includes allat, because 'everyone' means, well, everyone.

    Its probably true to say that Pakistan as an ideological state has constructed enemies in order to perpetuate an ideology and mindset - and that in as much as that leads to demonisation of others it is part of what ails it, and feeds into bigotry and extremism.

    But saying every Pakistani subscribes to that is patently untrue.

    "we can smell traitors and country haters"

    God is Love.
    Love is Blind. Stevie Wonder is blind. Therefore, Stevie Wonder is God.

  • Re: Brutal Rogues of Islam tried to kill that 13 year old girl Malala Yousafzai
     Reply #116 - October 18, 2012, 01:46 AM

    what is happening here ??

    I really hope not. But yeah... it's looking like that. India needs to be the better person and reach out (there are efforts to do that AFAIK). I have a lot more hope for India. Pakistan is the bastard child and there has been a lot of shit between the 2 countries. But it is in India's interest to help alleviate its neighbour's insanity, rather than stoke it (which a small, fringe hindu nationalist minority does tend to do).

    Ah, blame Hindu fringe minority, always, it is the fault of Hindu bigots, even if not a single Hindu bigot suicide bomber has blown up anyone, still blame the Hindu bigots!

    Do you think that Pakistanis would appreciate Indians for helping them? Do you think that the ISI would stop sending terrorists to India?

    The hatred of Hindus and India is built into the psyche and soul of every Pakistani - it matters not what India does or does not do. This will never change, not even in 1000 years.

    Do you think that Pakistanis appreciate that there are 150 million Muslims in India (In 1947, there were only 35 million)? On the contrary the population of Hindus has declined from 8 millions (28% of the total population in 1947) to 1 million (less than 1% of the total population today).

    Way to go, ascribing your own racism on me, after all I've posted here and elsewhere. I won't even dignify this with a response.

    I did not say that Allat is a Hindu hating bigot. Please don't try to put words in my mouth. I just brought to his attention the inane remarks he made about Hindu "bigots". Do you think Pakistanis are interested in getting help from India?

    Pakistanis do not need help from anyone. What they need is learn to live with each other. Pakistanis should learn to respect the people of differing viewpoints and religions.

    it appears no one is reading any one .. How are you doing Mr. Ram??  by the way allat is "She" not " he"..  Not that matters to discussion but it is true " you didn't say that "she is a hindu hating bigot"  . but what did you say Mr. Ram??  now let us read what allat said in the first place..

    ... India needs to be the better person and reach out (there are efforts to do that AFAIK). I have a lot more hope for India. Pakistan is the bastard child and there has been a lot of shit between the 2 countries. But it is in India's interest to help alleviate its neighbour's insanity, rather than stoke it (which a small, fringe hindu nationalist minority does tend to do).

    that is what she said..

    So what is wrong with that??  

    I do not see the word "Bigot" or hindu bigot in her post., where did you get that from Mr. Ram?

    It appears you two guys are writing posts without reading each other...  As far as Racism is concerned., I don't think there is racism here .. what I see is religious  hatred..   It seems that is going like this..

    Pakistan is made of Muslims of subcontinent

    Hence All Pakistanis are Muslims  and all Muslims hate Hindus and India..

    and Hindus hate Muslims  and Pakistan  

    Anyways .. the reason subcontinent  is what it it is , not because of religions but because feudal rogues/rulers in the religions.. These feudal rulers made sure that majority of population of subcontinent  are subservient to this feudal structure.. To some extent it is dismantled in India but it still  there  in land of pure..

    Anyways that tube is of last week ., and that lady you see in that yellow dress is Shabaz Shariff Daughter...  that is how power works in land of pure..

    well that is the news from land of pure

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Re: Brutal Rogues of Islam tried to kill that 13 year old girl Malala Yousafzai
     Reply #117 - October 18, 2012, 01:49 AM

    Anyways .. the reason subcontinent  is what it it is , not because of religions but because feudal rogues/rulers in the religions..

    "Life is not a matter of holding good cards, but of playing a poor hand well."
    - Robert Louis Stevenson
  • Re: Brutal Rogues of Islam tried to kill that 13 year old girl Malala Yousafzai
     Reply #118 - October 18, 2012, 02:04 AM

    Malala ‘comes out’ of coma says news

    Encouraging medical news for 14-year-old Taliban shooting victim, Malala Yousafzai, with reports that she has come out of her coma and is slowly regaining consciousness.

    Adam Ellick, a correspondent for The New York Times, reported on Twitter and Facebook that the teenager, who was shot by the Taliban for ‘promoting secularism’, has come out of her coma. While she is not fully conscious, she appeared to have feelings in all her limbs.

    According to Atlantic Wire, There are more reports from England that Malala is responding well to treatment and has a good chance of fully recovering without any brain damage.  Adam Ellick said new development suggests that she hasn’t suffered any permanent physical damage as result of the attack.

    well that is a good news on her..

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Re: Brutal Rogues of Islam tried to kill that 13 year old girl Malala Yousafzai
     Reply #119 - October 19, 2012, 01:12 PM

    Good news.. good news..

    LONDON: Malala Yousafzai, the teenage Pakistani activist shot in the head by the Taliban, has been able to stand with help for the first time, though she still shows signs of infection, doctors treating her at a British hospital said Friday.

    She is also communicating by writing notes, said Doctor Dave Rosser, the medical director at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Birmingham, central England, where the teenager was taken to from Pakistan on Monday.

    “Malala Yousufzai’s condition this morning is comfortable and stable,” the hospital said in a statement. “Malala’s family remain in Pakistan at this time,” it added.

    Yousufzai was shot on a school bus in the former Taliban stronghold of the Swat valley last week for promoting secular views and criticising the Taliban, in an attack which outraged the world. Dr. Rosser said the girl is “well enough that she’s agreed that she’s happy, in fact keen, for us to share more clinical detail.

    Rosser said the infection is probably related to the track of a bullet which grazed her head when she was attacked by Taliban gunmen.

    Because of the infection, Rosser said, “she is not out of the woods yet.”

    well Glad to read that.. I wish she could finish her education in London and go back to Land of pure to Purify it..

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
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