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 Topic: Islamic Heaven? Virgin women? as a reward for men but what about the women?

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  • Re: Islamic Heaven? Virgin women? as a reward for men but what about the women?
     Reply #90 - October 26, 2012, 04:12 AM

    Thanks Spritualrose...

    Belief is the death of intelligence
  • Re: Islamic Heaven? Virgin women? as a reward for men but what about the women?
     Reply #91 - October 26, 2012, 05:45 AM

    Thanks Spritualrose...

      How are you doing Arman?  

    Some of us here are drifting away from the real subject  to this sex thing .. homoheteropoly whatever, this   should not be clouded with  the thread that is discussing serious issues  that deals with Islamic scriptures and "Islamic Heaven? Virgin women? as a reward for men but what about the women?"., I thought there is rant area in CEMB to push such distracting posts in to a different thread.  Moderators could split the thread and move them  in to that Rant shelter to discuss such subjects until cows come home.. Arman would you like to talk to me "Sex and sexuality in .Biologic and Evolution" in different thread??  So you are from India??

    anyways let us read scriptures on that subject..

    Indeed, the righteous will be in gardens and pleasure,  Enjoying what their Lord has given them, and their Lord protected them from the punishment of Hellfire.  [They will be told], "Eat and drink in satisfaction for what you used to do." They will be reclining on thrones lined up, and We will marry them to fair women with large, [beautiful] eyes. And those who believed and whose descendants followed them in faith - We will join with them their descendants, and We will not deprive them of anything of their deeds. Every person, for what he earned, is retained. And We will provide them with fruit and meat from whatever they desire. They will exchange with one another a cup [of wine] wherein [results] no ill speech or commission of sin. There will circulate among them [servant] boys [especially] for them, as if they were pearls well-protected.

    well that is from that chapter 52   Surat Aţ-Ţūr  and they are verses 17 to 24.,  well

    I See fair women with large, [beautiful] eyes
    And I See  fruit   meat and wine
    And I also  see servant boys [especially] for them, as if they were pearls well-protected

    that is the life for men in Islamic heavens..


    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Re: Islamic Heaven? Virgin women? as a reward for men but what about the women?
     Reply #92 - October 26, 2012, 05:52 AM

    Whoever said he wasn't arseholish or wasn't offensive didn't quite read the whole thread or being unreasonably sympathetic(which is tad annoying and stupid IMHO,so no offence guys)this argument started with his claim that "Happiness is not the purpose of sex but making babies" which is the same excuse or reason that homophobic and people that opposes contraception (like the far rights) are using in public and debates. People tried to point out his errors rather than accept he was wrong he remained thickheaded and stubborn to the point of being obnoxious,arrogant and childish so there is no excuse for him not to be criticized or ridiculed just like every muslim that comes here to impose his BS on this forum,he asked for it. So let no one come here and tell us that he has the right to use freedom of speech BS. Fuck that, there is a difference between being openminded and being a bigot, Arman is the latter.

    However, since Lilyesque and spiritualrose has offered to help educate him and get rid of his bigoted views,they are more than welcomed.

    "I'm standing here like an asshole holding my Charles Dickens"

    "No theory,No ready made system,no book that has ever been written to save the world. i cleave to no system.."-Bakunin
  • Re: Islamic Heaven? Virgin women? as a reward for men but what about the women?
     Reply #93 - October 26, 2012, 05:57 AM

    ....................arseholish ..................

    However, since Lilyesque and spiritualrose has offered to help educate him and get rid of his bigoted views,they are more than welcomed.


    well  there are  big sisters and big brothers in cemb..

    arseholish ..........arseholish      ....  hmmm Ass holy.. holy ass  

    what ? Huh?


    virginity for $780,000 online  oh well., I wonder how much these pearly boys get for their .. online..  

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Re: Islamic Heaven? Virgin women? as a reward for men but what about the women?
     Reply #94 - October 26, 2012, 11:40 AM

    What i believe, as an atheist and an ex muslim, these "heavens" "hell" etc "unseen stuff" they mentioned in their books are all made up. it's all con in order to lure people into that religion. By explaining to them how they r promised by "god" that they get big "reward" that is "paradise" ("jannah") by leading an restricted life also in order to be saved from "hell". that is trick their leader got them into believing as means as to keep his "religion" ongoing.

    explaining to them how big "god" is and how dangerous and sever punishment "god" serves for "sinners". that is one of tricks that keeps islam ongoing cos with all that explanation, they got scared shit in pant, abort the "bad deeds". again that is how they decorates their religion and their appearances. its just all that their leader did in order to annoy the world and keep his "religion" on going.

    people of "dawah" usually used "good" context of their "religion" in order to lure non muslims into that "religion" but they never explains how their leader married 6/9 year old girl and murder a woman and so on. i was never told that. then i embraced islam cos i was lectured about "god" which i used to believe in as i was an catholic and "jesus". once im in. no way out except facing death from them. again thats how their "religion" growing cos no one can leave after. not that they cant literally, they can but most of them who want to leave doesnt actually leave but out of fear of being killed. that's sad fact.

    there's alot of trick entrapment islam set for muslims. dangerous entrapment.

    back to "jesus" anyone know dynamo the impossible magician? he actually walked on thames river. thats what jesus did. jesus is one of those "prophets" that muslims believe in. for me all are magicians and soothsayers. they did it for gain of reputation, wealth, status, power, authority. they didnt point it out to magic, instead they made up something "diety" and "he's up there above the heaven" and explained how danger he is in punishment and everlasting in rewarding. its all con and brainwashing. "god" is something that is ingrained in our heads but cos it went long back to maybe millions or thousand of generations. unfortunately i was one of them, actual brainwashed and made a fool out of myself. so in some way these "prophets" did a good job.

    "devil" is another one. they said he's an unseen force, an unseen creatures. how "bad" he is, and anyone following him is an outcast. no one like to be labelled as outcast so they used outcast. therefore "believers" scared in following him, therefore leading an restricted life, keep the imagination of islam in appearance constantly. thats one of tricks how islam is ongoing religion.

    soothsayers and magician, in their "religion" must be beheaded. again one of trick of islam of keep the "religion" ongoing. cos without them, that will keep "prophets" in highest position and keep believers from realizing that they r being misled by that fake "religion".

    same for apostates, they "must" be beheaded. just to keep the "religion" growing in number, making it look "truth"

    hey who created "god"
    ok how are we here? hey we can see each other so we r here. we r on computer and so on. fact. enjoy life while you can. we cant see "god". they said we will see "him" in "next life". another brainwashing statement. who created "god" anyway? even in hadith of "prophet" anyone having this thought he said they must "seeking refuge in god from devil" therefore blocking them from exposing the falseness of that "religion".

    and in their "religion" anyone who "insult" their "prophet" or "islam" must be killed. so that left us not be able to speak how their leader married 6/9 yr old girl and how he murder woman otherwise we would be "insulting" them and might be killed so no one dare to do that. again thats their defensive strategic as to keep their "religion" at bay and ignorant non muslims who dont realises that would get some lecture in "good context" from people of dawah and then they joined in.

    that anti islam movie, its shame that around 30 got killed over it. i dont know if the film maker intended that. i thought in some ways that movie is over the top cos it were too publicity cos u know what muslims would do.

    however i felt there's need of great deal of putting out message toward many ignorant non muslims about negative sides of islam before they might join in and then so on u know. cos some non muslims get the impression that muslim are "nice" in voice and dealing but they dont realise how they condones the killing of apostates and so on cos they never to get hear about it even from these hypocrite "nice" muslims who were talking directly to them.

    air forbids! since im not "god" believer.

    peace! Afro

    p.s. im not here to judge people belief. im here to reveal my belief and that is for me alone. not for to lure anyone else or to offend anyone else.
  • Re: Islamic Heaven? Virgin women? as a reward for men but what about the women?
     Reply #95 - October 26, 2012, 05:42 PM

    I will reply later..

    Belief is the death of intelligence
  • Re: Islamic Heaven? Virgin women? as a reward for men but what about the women?
     Reply #96 - October 27, 2012, 01:31 PM

    Whoever said he wasn't arseholish or wasn't offensive didn't quite read the whole thread or being unreasonably sympathetic(which is tad annoying and stupid IMHO,so no offence guys)this argument started with his claim that "Happiness is not the purpose of sex but making babies" which is the same excuse or reason that homophobic and people that opposes contraception (like the far rights) are using in public and debates. People tried to point out his errors rather than accept he was wrong he remained thickheaded and stubborn to the point of being obnoxious,arrogant and childish so there is no excuse for him not to be criticized or ridiculed just like every muslim that comes here to impose his BS on this forum,he asked for it. So let no one come here and tell us that he has the right to use freedom of speech BS. Fuck that, there is a difference between being openminded and being a bigot, Arman is the latter.

    Cato Whatever you said is logical fallacy called "ad hominem" There is no need to refute it, you did my job well. refute my claim there was nothing wrong in it.I said main purpose, I didnt say people who dont want baby should not do sex. I can refute your posts in thousand times and in 100 ways. But I am restricted, and you are allowed whatever said. I dont want to post here so there is no fear of banning. I can abuse you but i dont. You are what is your nature. Instead of abusing i prefer to injure, it shows strengh abusing is one type of weakness.

    All rules are only for me. it is like playing carrom with 3 year kid. He dosnt follow any rule and you must fall each one. Who will win? child will easily. What i said, i am bound to  prove that but laws should be equal for everyone.  I dont need support of anyone. I dont vote of anyone. Vote system never decide what is truth and what is lie. If there was voting system when Galileo said earth was not flat he would have lost. People support what they feel better but sometimes truth hurts so people dont vote truth. Even socrates was lost vote system and was forced to commit sucide. I simply dont want support because it dosent help me to prove anything. Opposing is not new for me. Mostly people oppose me initially but latter they support this is true for online and real world. I want billions people should oppose me, it shows the power of thought and size of the thaught. Every thaught has to pass three stages.. Rediculous, oppose and acceptance. I dont afraid if people call me rediculous. Its nature of human. And i cant change the nature of human in just few hours.

    Belief is the death of intelligence
  • Re: Islamic Heaven? Virgin women? as a reward for men but what about the women?
     Reply #97 - October 27, 2012, 01:57 PM


    well  there are  big sisters and big brothers in cemb..

    arseholish ..........arseholish      ....  hmmm Ass holy.. holy ass  

    what ? Huh?

     (Clicky for piccy!)

    virginity for $780,000 online  oh well., I wonder how much these pearly boys get for their .. online..  

    I am fine thanks dear.. How are you? Girl is nice..Are you she is Virgin?

    Belief is the death of intelligence
  • Re: Islamic Heaven? Virgin women? as a reward for men but what about the women?
     Reply #98 - October 27, 2012, 02:41 PM

    Cato Whatever you said is logical fallacy called "ad hominem" There is no need to refute it, you did my job well. refute my claim there was nothing wrong in it.I said main purpose, I didnt say people who dont want baby should not do sex. I can refute your posts in thousand times and in 100 ways. But I am restricted, and you are allowed whatever said. I dont want to post here so there is no fear of banning. I can abuse you but i dont. You are what is your nature. Instead of abusing i prefer to injure, it shows strengh abusing is one type of weakness.

    All rules are only for me. it is like playing carrom with 3 year kid. He dosnt follow any rule and you must fall each one. Who will win? child will easily. What i said, i am bound to  prove that but laws should be equal for everyone.  I dont need support of anyone. I dont vote of anyone. Vote system never decide what is truth and what is lie. If there was voting system when Galileo said earth was not flat he would have lost. People support what they feel better but sometimes truth hurts so people dont vote truth. Even socrates was lost vote system and was forced to commit sucide. I simply dont want support because it dosent help me to prove anything. Opposing is not new for me. Mostly people oppose me initially but latter they support this is true for online and real world. I want billions people should oppose me, it shows the power of thought and size of the thaught. Every thaught has to pass three stages.. Rediculous, oppose and acceptance. I dont afraid if people call me rediculous. Its nature of human. And i cant change the nature of human in just few hours.

    Honestly, i cant really make sense of what you just posted but i get it. You are trying to defend the last remant of your wounded ego and obviously you are having a difficulty with handling constructive criticism which you naively mistake as "Adhominem" and that is unfortunate so im just gonna leave you alone and never respond to you until this thing inside your head called "brain" has evolved out of bigotry and homophobia. For now you are just an immature young adult(or maybe a kid)who still have a lot learn on how to discuss and argue,also a waste of time and futile to reason with. Bye Bye.

    Im out of this thread for good.

    "I'm standing here like an asshole holding my Charles Dickens"

    "No theory,No ready made system,no book that has ever been written to save the world. i cleave to no system.."-Bakunin
  • Re: Islamic Heaven? Virgin women? as a reward for men but what about the women?
     Reply #99 - October 27, 2012, 02:59 PM

     Cheesy bye bye..I joined other forum and quite happy

    Belief is the death of intelligence
  • Re: Islamic Heaven? Virgin women? as a reward for men but what about the women?
     Reply #100 - October 27, 2012, 02:59 PM

    Cato Whatever you said is logical fallacy called "ad hominem"

    Ad hominem implies you have presented an actual argument and someone attacked you rather than attacked your argument. You didn't present an argument. Just parroted dogma, cliches, canards, idle speculation and terminal ignorance. And you didn't even try to intellectually defend this idle speculation, let alone demonstrated you have the capacity to defend an actual argument or engage in a robust debate. You simply waved away inquiry and criticism with blanket dismissal and repeated the same dogmatic assertions with unflinching arrogance.

    Too fucking busy, and vice versa.
  • Re: Islamic Heaven? Virgin women? as a reward for men but what about the women?
     Reply #101 - October 27, 2012, 03:00 PM

    Cheesy bye bye..I joined other forum and quite happy

    I'll never forget you, faceless internet douchebag no.39856378

    Too fucking busy, and vice versa.
  • Re: Islamic Heaven? Virgin women? as a reward for men but what about the women?
     Reply #102 - November 08, 2012, 04:36 AM

    A. Conservatives are not lunatics

    B. I never said he wasn't offensive. I just said that it's his opinion. Yes, the homo-illness view is scary because of things in the past. Fortunately, that's not the majority anymore. And yes, the fact that he didn't say the f-word is better because it shows respect. Yes, you're tolerant of homosexuals we get it already. But you're not very tolerant of someone with an alternate opinion.

    C. You're wrong. The cornerstone of homophobia is...the phobia part.
  • Re: Islamic Heaven? Virgin women? as a reward for men but what about the women?
     Reply #103 - November 08, 2012, 07:39 AM

    A. Conservatives are not lunatics

    Conservatives are not necessarily lunatics. You're correct. Thank you for that important piece of trivia.

    Could you apply your keen eye and share your extensive wisdom with regards to the words I actually wrote? Here they are again: He said homosexuality is unnatural, insanity, an illness to be cured, compared it to pedophilia and bestiality. These are the words you'd hear from any typical blowhard conservative lunatic.

    B. I never said he wasn't offensive. I just said that it's his opinion.

    Really? It was just an opinion? Wow, thanks for pointing that out. Because for a moment there, I thought he was channeling a higher authority and speaking on behalf of the Gods.

    Now that you've popped in to remind us that his opinion is an opinion, shall we get back to scrutinising and pointing out the flaws contained in the words and sentiments that constitute his opinion?

    Yes, the homo-illness view is scary because of things in the past.

    It's not scary. It's stupid, annoying and wrong.

    Fortunately, that's not the majority anymore.

    ... depending on which square foot of the world you happen to be standing on at the time.

    And yes, the fact that he didn't say the f-word is better because it shows respect.

    Respect? ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME? I'd love to know who you suppose is filled with a sense of being a respected human being when they are called insane, diseased, perverted abominations of nature.

    "Sure, he says that I'm mentally ill, that an essential and indelible part of the core of my identity is in fact a disease that needs to be cured, that my existence is an affront to the natural order, and does all this from a position of colossal ignorance, aggressive dogmatism and intense arrogance. But at least he respects me!"

    Yes, you're tolerant of homosexuals we get it already.

    I suppose I'd have to be, being pansexual myself. And being a person who extends treatment to all people consistently and believes rights should extend to all people equally. Call me crazy. Woohoo, totally insane. Somebody stop me.

    But you're not very tolerant of someone with an alternate opinion.

    If by "an alternative opinion" you mean something like the special brand of bigotry, pig-ignorance, unapologetic discrimination, and harmful myth-perpetuating misinformation expressed by Arman in this thread, then I am certainly extremely intolerant of that. Are you suggesting I should stop being intolerant of that?

    C. You're wrong. The cornerstone of homophobia is...the phobia part.

    Wow, such detailed and penetrating insight. I'm exposed. My arguments lay in tatters.

    Too fucking busy, and vice versa.
  • Islamic Heaven? Virgin women? as a reward for men but what about the women?
     Reply #104 - December 28, 2012, 05:25 AM

    First of all Ishina, you have a great talent for rapier wit and sarcasm. Your responses are blindfully insulting, but they still make me laugh! However most of your responses to my post seem to be in insulting, shock value and vindictiveness only. I was defending someone I ravagely disagreed with, because I felt like everyone was ganging up on him and I wanted to help keep this thread civil.

    A. Could you apply your keen eye and share your extensive wisdom with regards to the words I actually wrote? Here they are again: He said homosexuality is unnatural, insanity, an illness to be cured, compared it to pedophilia and bestiality. These are the words you'd hear from any typical blowhard conservative lunatic.

    I may have been oversensitive on this one. It sounds like you're attacking conservatives, but now it sounds like you're using the word 'conservative' to describe his place in the political spectrum. Although I still disagree with that. I'd call him a radical right winger as opposed to 'conservative'. But that's just me.

    B. Really? It was just an opinion? Wow, thanks for pointing that out. Because for a moment there, I thought he was channeling a higher authority and speaking on behalf of the Gods. Now that you've popped in to remind us that his opinion is an opinion, shall we get back to scrutinising and pointing out the flaws contained in the words and sentiments that constitute his opinion?

    Lol, yes by all means! Anyway he's not here anymore.

    C. It's not scary. It's stupid, annoying and wrong.

    I disagree. It's still very scary, wrong and obnoxious.

    D. Fortunately, that's not the majority anymore. ... depending on which square foot of the world you happen to be standing on at the time.

    Good point.

    E. And yes, the fact that he didn't say the f-word is better because it shows respect. Respect? ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME? I'd love to know who you suppose is filled with a sense of being a respected human being when they are called insane, diseased, perverted abominations of nature. "Sure, he says that I'm mentally ill, that an essential and indelible part of the core of my identity is in fact a disease that needs to be cured, that my existence is an affront to the natural order, and does all this from a position of colossal ignorance, aggressive dogmatism and intense arrogance. But at least he respects me!"

    Lol, nice language. And don't pretend to be kind to me. His opinions are offensive and deviant, but his manner is respectful. He didn't say the other f word, which suggests that he has respect for the person themselves, if not their lifestyle. The fact that he stayed so calm means that logical discourse can occur, which is quite a breath of fresh air. I really really dislike his opinions, but I appreciate his manner, which is very rare. As for the respect part, yes, appreciate respect. If he respects you as a person, then he respects and acknowledges your rights. Because when respect goes out the window, you can certainly imagine what comes next.

    F. Yes, you're tolerant of homosexuals we get it already. I suppose I'd have to be, being pansexual myself. And being a person who extends treatment to all people consistently and believes rights should extend to all people equally. Call me crazy. Woohoo, totally insane. Somebody stop me.

    Pansexual? Wow. That's impressive. Lol a person's sexuality doesn't define thier mental faculties. And just because I happen to be kind to someone you disagree with, you don't have to get all, forgive my bluntness, crazy on my ass. Besides, being crazy doesn't always have to be a bad thing.  Wink My comment was intended to focus the conversation away from your hate and indignitive anger and more towards the actual topic.

    G. But you're not very tolerant of someone with an alternate opinion. If by "an alternative opinion" you mean something like the special brand of bigotry, pig-ignorance, unapologetic discrimination, and harmful myth-perpetuating misinformation expressed by Arman in this thread, then I am certainly extremely intolerant of that. Are you suggesting I should stop being intolerant of that?

    Once again, you're only reason for responding is to be vindictive. By no means you shouldn't be tolerant of this particular  OPINION, but you should be respectful of the PERSON.

    Quote from: SpiritualRose on November 07, 2012, 10:36 PM
    H. You're wrong. The cornerstone of homophobia is...the phobia part. Wow, such detailed and penetrating insight. I'm exposed. My arguments lay in tatters.

    Good, my job is done.  Cheesy
  • Islamic Heaven? Virgin women? as a reward for men but what about the women?
     Reply #105 - December 28, 2012, 07:42 AM

    I don't think women would want 72 virgins in Heaven.

    You think they'd be likely to get male models or ugly people like me lol?

    Is that really what it says happens to women though? They just get to watch their husbands have sex with 72 virgins?

    Why are they virgins anyway? Why not 72 people who know what they're doing (and therefore give you a better time)?
  • Islamic Heaven? Virgin women? as a reward for men but what about the women?
     Reply #106 - December 28, 2012, 08:12 AM

    They want the tight vagina, they want to feel ownership, feel like they're the only man/virgins have no other man to make comparison to etc...

    Power, ego....

     Roll Eyes

    "Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom." - Viktor E. Frankl

    'Life is just the extreme expression of complex chemistry' - Neil deGrasse Tyson
  • Islamic Heaven? Virgin women? as a reward for men but what about the women?
     Reply #107 - December 28, 2012, 08:22 AM

    Then again god could have the power to create these women as experienced/knowledgeable in the sex yet physically a man has touched before/tight vagina.

    "Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom." - Viktor E. Frankl

    'Life is just the extreme expression of complex chemistry' - Neil deGrasse Tyson
  • Islamic Heaven? Virgin women? as a reward for men but what about the women?
     Reply #108 - December 28, 2012, 12:31 PM

    It is possible to have a tight vagina without being a virgin. Just as it's possible to have a stiff dick without being a prick (I think).
  • Islamic Heaven? Virgin women? as a reward for men but what about the women?
     Reply #109 - December 28, 2012, 12:47 PM

     Cheesy Cheesy But hey! if the dick is too big it better be a floppy in the idle state or you will have portability problems!

    The World is my country, all mankind are my brethren, and to do good is my religion.
                                   Thomas Paine

    Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored !- Aldous Huxley
  • Islamic Heaven? Virgin women? as a reward for men but what about the women?
     Reply #110 - December 28, 2012, 06:12 PM

    I'd rather have guys or girls with experience.  Wink
  • Islamic Heaven? Virgin women? as a reward for men but what about the women?
     Reply #111 - December 28, 2012, 07:22 PM

    One of my teachers actually said that women will have a similar reward, but Allah was too shy to mention it. He wanted to preserve their mo

    If all the men have 72 virgins, and the women do as well, how does the arithmetic work?

    When you are a Bear of Very Little Brain, and you Think of Things, you find sometimes that a Thing which seemed very Thingish inside you is quite different when it gets out into the open and has other people looking at it.

    A.A. Milne,

    "We cannot slaughter each other out of the human impasse"
  • Islamic Heaven? Virgin women? as a reward for men but what about the women?
     Reply #112 - December 28, 2012, 11:26 PM

    If all the men have 72 virgins, and the women do as well, how does the arithmetic work?

    Isn't it every woman's dream to be gangbanged? wacko
  • Islamic Heaven? Virgin women? as a reward for men but what about the women?
     Reply #113 - December 28, 2012, 11:51 PM

    That doesn't help the arithmetic!

    When you are a Bear of Very Little Brain, and you Think of Things, you find sometimes that a Thing which seemed very Thingish inside you is quite different when it gets out into the open and has other people looking at it.

    A.A. Milne,

    "We cannot slaughter each other out of the human impasse"
  • Islamic Heaven? Virgin women? as a reward for men but what about the women?
     Reply #114 - December 28, 2012, 11:54 PM

    If all the men have 72 virgins, and the women do as well, how does the arithmetic work?


    Oh no moi,

    These are magical women, specially created to fulfill your every sensual fantasy. They don't shit, they don't piss, and you can see their bone marrow through their skin (still don't understand how that's sexy...must be a sixth century Bedouin thing.) Hell, you don't even have to charm these hoes. You don't need a good sense of humor, you don't have to enjoy long walls on the beach, and with 71 other celestial booty calls just waiting there for you, you don't even have to be faithful. Nope, these bitches have no standards at all. Why do you think the likes of Bin Laden and Abu Hamzah get so turned on by them?
  • Islamic Heaven? Virgin women? as a reward for men but what about the women?
     Reply #115 - December 29, 2012, 12:01 AM

    Oh no moi,

    These are magical women, specially created to fulfill your every sensual fantasy. They don't shit, they don't piss, and you can see their bone marrow through their skin (still don't understand how that's sexy...must be a sixth century Bedouin thing.) Hell, you don't even have to charm these hoes. You don't need a good sense of humor, you don't have to enjoy long walls on the beach, and with 71 other celestial booty calls just waiting there for you, you don't even have to be faithful. Nope, these bitches have no standards at all. Why do you think the likes of Bin Laden and Abu Hamzah get so turned on by them?

    How could I ever have fun in Jannah? Now I know that I have made the right choice in leaving Islam.

    how fuck works without shit??

    Let's Play Chess!

    harakaat, friend, RIP
  • Islamic Heaven? Virgin women? as a reward for men but what about the women?
     Reply #116 - December 29, 2012, 08:49 AM

    So the women get magical men?

    But are they not grapes?  Grape fetish?

    When you are a Bear of Very Little Brain, and you Think of Things, you find sometimes that a Thing which seemed very Thingish inside you is quite different when it gets out into the open and has other people looking at it.

    A.A. Milne,

    "We cannot slaughter each other out of the human impasse"
  • Islamic Heaven? Virgin women? as a reward for men but what about the women?
     Reply #117 - December 29, 2012, 01:29 PM

    It's not easy to get rid of homophobic views. TThey are often not opinions that are reasoned very well for. These opinions are based on phobias and are hence irrational. I remember when I was a Muslim, that the idea of two men cuddling up and interacting sexually used to disgust me to the gore. Even today, I occasionally catch myself uncomfortable when I see two men holding hands. It is a phobia, an unreasonable and irrational one.

    This is the sort of things you're drilled into as a Muslim. But I'm unlearning this day by day. I And I think it is high time you consider it as well, Arman.

    Believe those who are seeking the truth. Doubt those who find it.
  • Islamic Heaven? Virgin women? as a reward for men but what about the women?
     Reply #118 - January 07, 2013, 09:40 AM

    There is no place for women in heaven as majority of us will be in hell...remember?

    the koran says hell will be full of women.  Smiley am sure that sound exciting to our lesbian ex muslim

    I honestly would not mind  going to hell dear, its will be interesting to be in the company of the likes of  brad pitt and the beckams.... i had a thing for christopher hitchens (thats before he lost all his hair) and his ahead of hmm... i have booked him ladies.

    hell will rock!
  • Islamic Heaven? Virgin women? as a reward for men but what about the women?
     Reply #119 - January 07, 2013, 03:26 PM

    There is no place for women in heaven as majority of us will be in hell...remember?

    EVERYONE is going to hell. Christianity says if you aren't Christian you go to hell. Islam says if you aren't Muslim you go to hell. It's gunna be a party down there! Smiley
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