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 Topic: Action Required: 11 Year Old Expelled from his Scout Group, for being an Atheist

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  • Action Required: 11 Year Old Expelled from his Scout Group, for being an Atheist
     OP - October 18, 2012, 02:27 PM

    Ex-Muslim? Don't believe in gods? Then you wouldn't be allowed to join the Scouts, Cubs, Brownies, etc., and neither would your children if they're like-minded.  Atheists are banned from the Scouts in the UK, by virtue of their official policy (which is exempt from the Equality Act). The most recent victim of this policy is 11 year old George Pratt, who has been expelled for refusing to lie about his absense of belief in gods. Express your indignation at George's treatment, and the policy that informed it, by writing to his former Scout group ( and the Scout Assoication ( Discrimination against non-believers won't end unless we speak up and take a stand. It only takes 5 minutes to make you feelings known, so get writing!
  • Re: Action Required: 11 Year Old Expelled from his Scout Group, for being an Atheist
     Reply #1 - October 18, 2012, 02:38 PM

    Chris Good Topic, It shows the mentality of religious people. When someone says he dosent believe in something it clearly means there is no sufficient proof why do religious people wants believe in something which is not clear. And what about those great people who never belived in god but contributed to science, philosophy, music? Should we abandon them from the nation or society? I admire this boys parents. They know well what their son is doing. Smiley
    Dad Nick said: “As a family we neither promote nor dismiss any religion and hold no firm views on God in any form, and have always let our children make up their own mind as and when they feel they can make an informed choice.”

    Belief is the death of intelligence
  • Re: Action Required: 11 Year Old Expelled from his Scout Group, for being an Atheist
     Reply #2 - October 19, 2012, 02:01 AM

    It sucks. I'm going to renounce my Eagle Scout when I get the time tomorrow. Too much homophobia, pedophilia, and discrimination for me to be associated with earning their highest rank. 

    So once again I'm left with the classic Irish man's dilemma, do I eat the potato or do I let it ferment so I can drink it later?
    My political philosophy below
    Just kidding, here are some true heros
  • Re: Action Required: 11 Year Old Expelled from his Scout Group, for being an Atheist
     Reply #3 - October 19, 2012, 06:47 AM

    Is it me or do pretty much all clubs at some point turn out to be discriminatory towards someone? Why is this?

    Anyway, such stupidity, especially since this is the UK, at least 40% of the population is irrelegious/atheist. That doesn't change anything, but still, I would have expected better.

    "Nobody who lived through the '50s thought the '60s could've existed. So there's always hope."-Tuli Kupferberg

    What apple stores are like.....
  • Re: Action Required: 11 Year Old Expelled from his Scout Group, for being an Atheist
     Reply #4 - October 19, 2012, 02:25 PM

    Sadly I didn't expect any better, and haven't got a reply from them yet. If you can spare a few mins, do send them a message. Deusvult, make sure you inform them of your decision and explain why you feel the way you do. The email I sent is below:

    Dear Clare Spearman,
    As a former Cub Scout and Scout I was horrified to learn that George Pratt has been refused membership to 1st Midsomer Norton group for refusing to lie about his religious beliefs, and was stunned to discover that his treatment is in line with official policy. I grew up in North London, and for me the Scouts were an overtly inclusive community, where common social dividers such as race and social class were irrelevant. It saddens me deeply to learn that you are willing to discriminate against a child on the basis of her or his religious beliefs, or lack thereof. Most of my family are Christians, and just as I would never allow my children to become associated with a group that banned Muslims, Jews or Hindus, I can't see any earthly reason why it is any more acceptable to ban atheists and agnostics. I have fond memories of a forward looking, open, tolerant and progressive Scouting movement, memories now tarnished by the realisation that this may never have been the case.
    I now live in [removed], and whilst no members of my family attend 1st Midsomer Norton, I can only ask as a former Scout that you reverse this decision and publically oppose the national policy of discrimination against non-religious children, which I sincerely hope you agree is profoundly unfair, intollerant and in stark opposition to the inclusive Scouting ethos.
    Kind regards,

  • Re: Action Required: 11 Year Old Expelled from his Scout Group, for being an Atheist
     Reply #5 - October 19, 2012, 02:54 PM

    Sorry to be facetious, but even at the age of 11, I knew that khaki shorts and a suits-you-sir scarf wasn't the greatest look.

    Why on earth would Master Pratt or anyone else wish to be a scout?
  • Re: Action Required: 11 Year Old Expelled from his Scout Group, for being an Atheist
     Reply #6 - October 19, 2012, 03:03 PM

    Back when I was younger I wasn't allowed to join the brownies  (girl equivalent) because I was a muslim and they only took christian type people.

    Not really a surprise that an atheist would get kicked out.

    Obviously wrong and needs to be fought against, but their discrimination has been going on for years now. 

    Inhale the good shit, exhale the bullshit.
  • Re: Action Required: 11 Year Old Expelled from his Scout Group, for being an Atheist
     Reply #7 - October 19, 2012, 03:08 PM

    David, that's not really relevant is it. Much the same thing could be said about the campaign for marriage equality. A gay friend recently commented that the last thing he'd ever want to do is get married, but he demands the right to be able to make that decision. I hesitate to answer your question for fear of derailing the thread, but I grew out of Scouts at about that age but before then we did lots of rock climbing, abseiling, canoeing and went on trips to places that I never could have got to go to otherwise, in part because my Mum worked full time and brought me up for the most part on her own. But let's focus on the policy of discrimination and not whether or not we personally enjoyed the Scouting experience!
  • Re: Action Required: 11 Year Old Expelled from his Scout Group, for being an Atheist
     Reply #8 - October 19, 2012, 03:09 PM

    I know. I apologised in advance for being facetious.

    And by the way, I was NEVER a scout.
  • Re: Action Required: 11 Year Old Expelled from his Scout Group, for being an Atheist
     Reply #9 - October 19, 2012, 03:12 PM

    Berbs, I don't know when they changed their policy, but now, in the ultimate multicultural fail, the Scouts have seperate groups for Muslims, Christians, etc. I think they see this as being progressive. Their official policy now is that as long as you'll swear allegience to the Queen and some sort of god, you're in. In the US, they still have a policy of excluding openly gay members!

    All this from an organisation that, I presume without irony, claims on its website "Scouting is for everyone - Scouting encourages young people from all backgrounds, male and female, to have self-belief and a voice".
  • Re: Action Required: 11 Year Old Expelled from his Scout Group, for being an Atheist
     Reply #10 - November 01, 2012, 05:30 PM

    The National Secular Society have launched a petition urging the Scout Association to revise their policy of excluding children who don't have a belief in a god or gods. Sign sign sign!!! Then share share share!!!
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