I agree. The fact that some Arabs were amazed means nothing. ...........
Early Islamic history has serious problem., we know more about Alexander the Great who lived a 1000 years before than this alleged Prophet of Islam. Even from Islamic sources, there were Poets in Arabian peninsula whos Arabic songs/sonnets were superior to this mambo jumbo.
So I have to agree to disagree with that
"FACT some Arabs were amazed" deusvult.. Frankly speaking I have a problem to agree that there was guy "Muhammad" who reveled this so-called scripture Quran.. To me
"Muhammad" means great soul.. great man.. praise worth person., That could be literally any one of that time, any good man or any leader of some tribal bums of that time.
It is very much possible This Islamic Muhammad I read in hadith + Quran are Multiple characters.. Some good and some bad.. And It is also possible The writers of Quran or this Muhammad in Quran is actually story of Moses or Jesus laced along with some guys sill story from Arabia.. I am of the opinion out of those 23 years of alleged revelations., The Muhammad of first 13 years is different from the Muhammad of last 13 years.. As long as his first wife Khadija was alive there was hardly any Islam. and there were hardly handful guy following him.. It is like some singing songs on the street and jobless bums running around him listening to his sill limericks .. More over we must realize Quran was put together way after the death of alleged prophet during time of those Caliphs..
So I say no sensible Arab guy of that time was amazed with this Quran from alleged prophet of Islam..