Canterbury Bankstown Domestic Violence Response Team are located in Bankstown, Sydney Australia, they are great 'cause they have lots of resources for women from Arabic speaking backgrounds (apostasy isn't an issue with them). Can't find their number at the moment, but if one wanted to get a referral to them asking police or DoCs would do the job. These guys are really good.
Other than that contacting the National Australian DV Hotline Number 1800 200 526 is a good place to start if you fear for your life from family members.
Domestic Violence Crisis Service phone Ph. (02) 6280-0900. TTY: (02) 6247-0893
Women's Legal Centre phone 1800-634-669
Family Services (protection of children from abuse) phone (02)6207 1069 (North); (02)6207 1466 (South); After hours (02)6207 0720
New South Wales
DoCS Domestic Violence Line (24hour) phone 1800 656 463 or TTY: 1800671442
Violence Against Women Confidential Hotline phone 1800 200 526 (24-hour statewide free call)
Domestic Violence Advocacy Service DVAS phone 1800-810-784 or (02) 9637-3741 (weekdays)
Another Closet DV in gay and lesbian relationships
ACON ’s Lesbian and Gay Anti-Violence Project phone 1800 063 060 or 9206 2066 Monday to Friday 10.00am – 6.00pm
Immigrant Women’s Speakout Association phone Mon-Fri 9.30 -5 (02) 9635-8022
Dympna House For survivors of sexual abuse. Mon-Fri. Ph. 1800-654-119 or (02) 9797-6733
Women's Legal Resource Centre phone 1800 639 784
Violence Against Women Confidential Hotline
1800 200 526 (24-hour statewide free call)
Northern Territory
Domestic Violence Counselling Service phone Darwin, 9-5 Mon-Fri (08) 8945-6200. Alice Springs (08) 8952 6048.
Crisis Line General and domestic violence crisis counselling (24hr) phone 1800 019 116
Women's Information Centre Referrals (Alice Springs) phone (08) 8951-5880
Dawn House Crisis accomodation and support services for women with children escaping domestic violence. (08) 8945 1388 (24 hrs).
Family & Children's Services (Child protection) phone 1800 700 250
Legal Assistance Darwin Community Legal Service Ph. 08 8982 1111.
Domestic Violence Legal Help (Alice Springs) Ph. (08) 8981 9726.
Domestic Violence Telephone Service Ph. 1800 811 811 or TTY: 1800 812-225 1800 811 811
Brisbane Domestic Violence Advocacy Service (BDVAS) Ph (07) 3217 2544
DV Connect Mensline Ph. 1800 600 636 7am - midnight, 7 days a week.
Brisbane Rape & Incest Survivors Support Centre Ph. (07) 3391-0004, country Ph. 1800 242526
Immigrant Women’s Support Service Mon-Fri 9-5. Ph: (07) 3846-3490 (domestic violence) or (07) 3846 5400 (sexual assault)
Women's Legal Service (legal advice) Statewide Ph. (07) 3392-0670 or 1800-677-278
South Australia
Domestic Violence Helpline Ph. 1800 800 098 (24 hours)
Domestic Violence Crisis Service Ph. 1300 782 200 (24 hours). After hours Crisis Care ph. 131 611.
Yarrow Place Rape & sexual assault service (24 hr) Ph. (08) 8226-8777 or Toll Free: 1800-817-421 After Hours: (08) 8226-8787
Women’s Information Service of South Australia Ph. (08) 8303-0590 or 1800 188 158
Women's Legal Service Ph. (08) 8221-5553 legal advice line.
Family & Youth Services (Child Abuse Report line) Ph. 131 478
Domestic Violence Crisis Service Mon-Fri 9am-Midnight, weekends 4pm-midnight. Ph. (03) 6233 2529 or 1800 633 937 (North), 1800 608 122 (Statewide).
Sexual Assault Support Services Hobart & Southern: Ph. (03) 6231 1811 (24hr - after hours (03) 6231-1817).
Launceston: Ph. (03) 6334-2740. Nth West: Ph. (03) 6431 9711.
Women's Legal Service Free legal advice. Ph. 1800 682-468 or (03) 6224-0974
Child Protection Advice & Referral Service -Child and Family Services To report child abuse Ph. 1300-737-639 (statewide), (03) 6230 7650 (Hobart)
SHE (Support, Help & Empowerment) Counselling for women affected by abusive relationships. Ph. (03) 6278-9090 (Hobart)
Yemaya: Women's Support Service Counselling & support for women who have experienced abusive relationships (Launceston) Ph. 03-6334-0305.
For more services in Tasmania see website:
Women's Domestic Violence Crisis Service of Victoria (24hour) Crisis line phone 9373-0123 Melbourne, or country toll free 1800 015 188
Domestic Violence Resource Centre (Vic) Melbourne phone 9486-9866 9am - 5pm Mon-Fri.
Centre Against Sexual Assault (CASA) phone 1800 806292 (24 hours)
Child Protection Crisis Line phone toll free (24 hours) 131-278
Immigrant Women’s Domestic Violence Service phone Mon-Fri 9-5. Ph. 8413-6800
Gay and Lesbian Switchboard 9827.8544 (Melbourne) 1800.631.493 (country)
Western Australia
Women's Council for Domestic & Family Violence Services WA Admin: 9:30 – 2:30 Mon-Fri. Ph (08) 9420 7264
Women's Domestic Violence Helpline Information, referral and telephone counselling. Ph. (08) 9223 1188 or 1800 007 339 (24 hours)
Men's Domestic Violence Helpline Information, referral and telephone counselling. Ph. 9223 1199 or 1800 000 599 (24 hours)
Crisis Care Unit 24hr crisis support (violence, child protection, suicide, etc). Ph. (08) 9325-1111 or 1800 199-008. TTY: (08) 9325-1232
Sexual Assault & Referral Centre Counselling, female doctors 24hrs. Ph. (08) 9340-1828 or 9340-1820 or country callers Ph. 1800 199-888
Women's Multicultural Support and Advocacy Ph.(08) 9325-7716
Women’s Council for Domestic and Family Violence Services (WA). A state-wide peak organization Ph. (08) 9420 7264.
Child Protection (child safety page) Crisis Care on (08) 9223 1111 or 1800 199008 (freecall)
Women's Law Centre (WA) Inc Legal advice. Inglewood, Ph: 08 9272 8800 Freecall: 1800 625 122
For a list of family violence services in Western Australia see (family violence area)