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 Topic: Diary of an Islamic apostate

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  • Diary of an Islamic apostate
     OP - November 20, 2012, 08:23 AM

    November 17, 2012 – On December 22, 2011 a woman known only as the “Liberated One” began blogging about her apostasy from Islam. Because she still lives in an Islamic country, the Liberated One is extremely cautious about her identity, her location and her methods of communication, though she is boldly unafraid and outspoken about her former religion.

    Following are some of her entries which have been shortened, but have not been edited in any way that would alter the meaning of her descriptions.

    Saturday, December 24, 2011 – “I was born in a very typical Sunni Muslim household, not very conservative like the Arabs, but nevertheless religious enough. I was born in Karachi, Pakistan to a very respectable family. I moved to another Muslim country with my parents when I was just 10 years old and still live there.”

    “Have you ever read the Quran in English? All my life I just recited the Quran in Arabic without understanding a single word until…I purchased a copy of the English Quran and read the translation for the first time. I reached the conclusion that this book…teaches nothing except hatred and violence. I can no longer be a part of a cult which subjugates its followers, making them mere blind puppets with no mind of their own.”

    Islamic scholars explain that the Koran can not be translated, it can only be interpreted. The word Koran means “recital” and experts say the poetry of the original Arabic is completely lost in translation.

    Saturday, December 31, 2011 – “I am a very new apostate, just…over two months now when I actually gave up Islam.”

    Monday, March 26, 2012 – “I was almost on my way to being an atheist. I was extremely angry at Islam and Mohammed for making me live in fear and guilt all my life. He had created a fear of Allah. We were not human beings, but zombies who had a blind faith in an evil man who claimed to be the last prophet of God. It was right then when I had almost lost faith in God that I met the love of my life, John. He made me start believing in God again.”

    Friday, October 26, 2012 – “Regarding Islam being a peaceful religion, that is precisely what I believed in most of my life, and why I was a practicing Muslim. I thought Islam means peace and there is no compulsion in religion because that is what the Quran says. Little did I know that those peaceful verses were later abrogated by the harsh and deadly ones which ordered Muslims to kill non Muslims wherever they found them.

    “For the last…year, I have been an apostate of Islam, which means no praying, no fasting, no quran recitation, no zakat, no nothing. But…there was something missing.  I could not…pin point what it was till I met John and he showed me the path that leads to Christ.”

    “Islam is a hateful religion…created by a psychopath for his own benefit. I…request all Muslims to please wake up and see what you are doing.”

    Islam by definition means “submission.” Abrogation is a major aspect of the religion and the Koran that is either conveniently overlooked or frequently eliminated from discussions about specific passages in the text.

    Saturday, November 3, 2012 – “I…finally told my family today about my apostasy. I told my mother and my two sisters in law that I am no longer a Muslim. It's been a few hours since the bombshell.  My parents have already disowned me, perhaps tell the world their daughter is dead, or worst come worse, they would just kill me, which is highly unlikely in this part of the world.”

    “Sara and Uzma (sisters-in-law) told me this morning…you went against the teachings of Islam. You didn't just offend your parents, but offended Allah and his prophet, to which I said, Yes,…you see, I don't believe in Allah and his so called prophet anymore. I disowned Allah and Mohammed a year ago, and you know what? I have never been happier.”

    “Islam is nothing but pure deception, created by…the self proclaimed prophet Mohammed. I said, Mom, how can you say Islam is a religion of peace when the first thing it says is to kill anyone who leaves it. Isn't that ample proof that it's an evil cult?”

    Tuesday, November 6, 2012 – “It feels wonderful to know that people…are so concerned about my safety. Rest assured that I am absolutely safe. I am sure…you must have guessed that I live in UAE, not Saudi or Kuwait or Iran, or worse still, Afghanistan and Pakistan. This country is too westernised and far too eager to be in the good books of dear old uncle Sam. There is a nightclub and bar in every area and alcohol is freely available, but you need a liquor permit for that. I have a Pakistani passport and am a Muslim on paper. There has never been a case of honor killing in this country.”

    Who is that person? who wrote all that from CEMB?? finmad ..  You can not write all that there without writing here..  finmad

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Re: Diary of an Islamic apostate
     Reply #1 - November 20, 2012, 09:48 AM

    The blog is
    She is a revert to christianity  Tongue cause christianity is so peaceful and and does not teach violence.

    Taken from her blog
    but I did say to her that even though I may not believe in Allah and Mohammed anymore, I still do believe in God but he is just a different God from yours and he is more loving. He doesn't teach violence and he says to love everyone.

    Did not know the monotheistic religions had different God's and I guess she only received half the bible with only the new testament in it.

    Thanks for the link Yeezeevee
  • Re: Diary of an Islamic apostate
     Reply #2 - November 20, 2012, 12:07 PM

    Smells like bullshit to me to be honest. I'd avoid such crap.

    Islam and Christianity and any other religion are all equally crap. They will bash each others religions just to get converts, who can you trust such evil and devious people? who lack even basic rationality.
  • Re: Diary of an Islamic apostate
     Reply #3 - November 20, 2012, 01:05 PM

    Interesting. But like Dr Zhivago put it.

    From one desert religion to another desert religion.

    "Beauty is truth, truth beauty," - that is all
            Ye know on earth, and all ye need to know.

    - John Keats
  • Re: Diary of an Islamic apostate
     Reply #4 - November 20, 2012, 01:38 PM

    Completely agree with Tut; there's just something awfully fishy about a member of one monotheistic religion bashing an opposing religion. They're trying to win enemy souls! 

    Islam is a violent deception and she doesn't believe in Allah and Mo…but Christianity is peaceful and true; and Yahweh is just the nicest, most loving character. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black  Roll Eyes & aren't "Allah" & "God the Father" the same mofo? I remember I was lurking in another forum when I came across an ongoing argument between an ex-Muslim Christian & a Muslim where the Muslim was all "Allah is the God of the Bible" and the Christian was all "no, Allah was Mo's imaginary friend!". Funny stuff. How some people can so easily see the BS in other religions but can't see their own religion for what it is. 

    I'm going to be a nasty atheist and say that it's kinda pathetic that she left one steaming pile of superstitious shit for another. I actually think Christianity is harder to believe in than Islam -- the Council of Nicea and all the evidence of shit being added in by the Church over the years -- but still much easier and more practical to follow. I reckon Islam is hard to swallow once you learn a great deal about it due to it's blatant cruelty, misogyny and the depravity of it's founder but the scarcity of non-Islamic accounts of Islam's origins and the history of it's texts makes it appear more "authentic" at first glance. 

    Islam -- at least to me -- appears sinister and malicious whereas Christianity is more stupid and annoying (rather than malicious) these days; mainstream Christianity is a bit milder and more palpable than mainstream Islam, especially for women, so it's an upgrade of sorts for her.
  • Re: Diary of an Islamic apostate
     Reply #5 - November 20, 2012, 05:47 PM

    I've came across 100s of these so called apostate's who happen to be Pakistani girls falling in love with a Hindu or a Christian and then converting to that religion. In the end it turns out to be pseudo apostates created for the soul purpose of winning over converts by giving a narrative to an otherwise boring propaganda/convert stories. 

    Also, as Alethia rightly stated swapping one bizarrely foolish fantasy for another makes me question their mental state.  In fact in many cases its more crazy, it means the person abandoned their own bizarre fairytale religion, for another one. How can a sane rational human being go from realizing they were following a delusional belief, and then going out of their way to finding and following a delusional belief which is equally or more absurd then the initial one, you really have to question if such a person has sound faculties.

    It's like a crazy person saying one day, that earth is flat, and then a few days later saying no I was wrong about that, but now I see the truth, actually now I believe that the moon is made of cheese. I mean would you take such a person seriously who is that deluded? Such kind of faith-heads need to be put into mental asylum or forced re-education camps.
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