To moi and Jila :
Would you mind discussing these ideas about diverting attention further, they might be very valuable
It's exactly what it appears to me. Quite vague, what exactly do you want to get done ? You see, It all boils down to "Suggestion". Being indirect. The more indirect, the better. Every primitive culture has communicated and passed down it's values by stories, and metaphors. We see alot of stories and values in religious books because this is how ideas are passed down. For instance, If you want to convince someone that you are a Genus in Physics(when you're not), saying "I'm good at physics" can a very poor strategy based on the context. Instead, if you carry around with you Physics books, a sheet of complex calculations downloaded from the internet, a little bit of scribbling, will indirectly communicate your knowledge in physics. Instead saying "I drive a 1 million dollar car" which can come across as boasting, It's better your million dollar car keys visible. Every now and then, refer to it as a two-seater. It will get peoples attention. In their mind "those key chains say Ferrari, he/she often refer to it as two seated. could he be driving an expensive Ferrari ?" Their curiosity will lead them to ask you, what kind of car do you drive ? Then you say its a Ferrari. They will ask, "How much ?" Then, and only then it's wise to say "it cost me a million bucks". It communicates great value. I know these examples are irrelevant, but once you begin to think it terms of suggesting an Idea, planting ideas indirectly, instead of just "saying it".... It sticks in peoples head right away. While they think you're just being cool, you're actually thinking few steps ahead and plating all these ideas already. This is just basics. Ill just write some random stuff that come into my head, excuse the grammar.
If you want people to agree with you more often, It's called the law of reciprocity. You give them a gift, and then ask for a favor. People do these kinds of manipulative things all the time. Another principal is Law of consistency, Where you get people to say "yes" the first time. You might ask a small favor. Then, you ask a little big favor. Then you continue asking a bigger favor. On and On. Human beings have a need to be consistent. Research has shown people who agree once are more likely to agree the second time.
A trick I often use In communication is called pacing and leading. Where you ask two question that requires a "YES" and then following it with your hidden true request. A Manager at work might say something like this to his employee: "You've done a good job(Yes), you've completed the project(Yes), I'd like you to do this one as well." You'd be surprised to notice how easily this works. Research shows just by using the word "because" you can bump up the chances for agreement. I can't quite remember how much, but I think by 80%. Ex: Standing In a line for photocopy machine, "Can I stand it front of you ?" almost 70% people said "NO". Then the researches retried the experiment with "Can I stand in front of you BECAUSE I have to take some photocopies" and almost 80% said YES. I'm not quite sure about the percentage but it gives you an idea how language and influence people.
If you're interested in these kinds of things you can read books like , "influence by robert cialdini", Language patterns of Milton Erickson, Covert Hypnosis...etc
In your case, instead of saying you're a non-believer right away. Plant ideas step by step. Indirectly Plant the idea like "I'm studying Islam with reason", "I'm know more about Islam than you do", "It's ok to question beliefs", "I'm scientific", "I'm a better Muslim than you are", "Islam has a few thins that are not quite right", "Thee are things we should question in Islam", "these things are wrong in Islam", "I'm starting to doubt Islam", "Islam is Wrong" get my point ? The idea is to get your parents approve of what you do. They won't say NO to being a better muslim. They won't say No o questioning beliefs. they won't say No to being scientific......You can gradually change their mind.
In addition to those, I use hypnosis. Hypnosis is not the traditional "Watch" and close your eyes thing. You can plant an Idea in someone's head with just a conversation. This field is called, Covert Hypnosis and NLP (Neruro Linguistic Programming). I had a friend who smoked weed and for some unknown reason he felt depressed when at home. He was suffering from depression, He went to a psychologist, neurosurgeon and nothing worked. He explained this to me, and we had a 15 mins conversation. Next day he woke me up 7am to tell me, He felt absolutely calm and relaxed. He hadn't had depression since then. Hypnosis is a great tool to use. It doesn't have to be waving a watch in front of a person.
Did you notice how I planted the idea that says "I'm a good hypnotist by telling a story of my friend and comparing my skill to a neurosurgeon and psycologist ?" lol OH Btw, That's a true story. lol
Please excuse my Grammar and spellings and random capitalizations. lol