But my idea of a role model/ symbol is not one who tells you to leave something for nothing. Rebellling for the sake of rebelling, I don't see the point. There's gotta be some light on the other side.
You serious? You think we left Islam just for the hell of it? What, we got bored then goodbye Allah? That's what you think? Do you actually read the many responses here or intentionally ignore them? Sounds almost like your trolling.
Listen, the simplest, simplest explanation is:
ex-Muslims are those people who discovered that the grass on the other side of the fence is indeed evidently much greener. We meet in forum like this to share our joy on the discovery of just how amazingly green and nutritious the grass over the fence is. And we're telling people who are afraid to jump the fence "hey, it's okay to jump over the fence". We're not forcing people to do it, but if they want they'll have our support. So yeah, we're quite happy and very proud to be ex-Muslims.
Or do you actually have a problem with the word "ex-"?
Sure we could call ourselves a bunch of Gumbonites, and name this site the Council of Gumbonites, but who the hell would ever guess what Gumbonites are? Do you know what Gumbonites are? i have no idea what Gumbonites are. Never met them. Hence we choose ex-Muslim as a common reference. You know, as in those-people-who-once-worshipped-Allah. I mean if you like we could call ourselves the-yellow-bastards-who-betrayed-Islam, but that just too long, too tedious, to taxing to type on twitter not too mention down right degrading. Imagine going to a bar and say "hey, aren't you a member of the Council of the-yellow-bastards-who-betrayed-Islam?"
Ex-Muslim is effective, efficient, concise and get the message accross.
Besides, we ex-Muslims have developed this really cool secret handshake. I mean it's so cool. But you gotta be an ex-Muslim to know it. And the first rule of ex-Muslim is you never ever talk about the ex-Muslim secret handshake. Never! Ever!