Hello yeezevee, glad to see you, I loved your videos of the debate. It seems Sam Harris is a decent guy, and hold on to common sense strongly. Though what he hold as common sense is not shared by many people, and here where lies the problem. Of the debate itself, I think he won the debate by out rhetoric William Craig, and never falls to the opponent game.
Please share more of his videos, recently I had watched him in Tedtalks on morality and also debating a rabbi (which is hilarious) and also debating reza salam.
I am glad you already have seen lot of discussions and lot of videos Ibrahim. I am surprised you say Sam Harris own over William Craig., your posts suggest other way around Ibrahim.
The part you bolded is in reply why not use pronoun such as dog and lesbian, because it seems derogatory to many people.
The attribute of God is, He allows us (humanity) some form of free will and choices, and He will judge us accordingly later on (this deduction of course comes from selecting from various scriptures). Hope it clear some doubts ( because doubts will always be in us)
Well that is your way and your understanding of an "attribute of your God". And It appears you are interpreting that from scriptures you read. You must have freedom to do that. I fight for such freedoms and freedom of expression Ibrahim. And I hope you give me the freedom to question your interpretation of god .. lol..
Anyways I give very little respect to books and scriptures i consider them as story books of their time.. They may have served the purpose during their time but not for 21st century. You see I am one of those guys who grew out of this word .
. the Noun "GOD" completely. My god died young.. i killed my god when i was ~ 12 -13 year old. But what I believe is in actions.."godliness" and i don't mind seeing god and i have seen god in the actions of dogs, gays, lesbians and buffaloes. And I have seen devils and devilish actions in messengers & preachers. So I consider dogs, gays, lesbians and buffaloes too represent some godly actions,some actions of god. And so i don't mind calling and I don't mind seeing god in dogs ..lesbians.. cats rats buffaloes whatever., whatever may be the species Ibrahim. See this tube..
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LU8DDYz68kM I can see the godliness/god in that single buffalo that you can easily point out in that tube.
And i don't mind praying to that actions/godliness of that buffalo .... please continue.