some ideas from the blog alkhalidiyah
OP - December 18, 2012, 11:19 AM
- it is so logical to criticize what we see as something false and to show our opinion about it and also to wait for the response of that critic or what we can call the critic of the critic ;and like this; till things will be good for us and for that person we are criticizing him so then we would see the truth that we are looking for and we see it clear ,this is the civilized way to deal with things and to look for the truth,but the religions (most of them) teach us that what its say is the truth and all other different are false and that's all,and if he criticize them so he is attacking the sacred things and he will be hated by believers of that religions and they will hate him and have rancor toward him and in some cases they can kill him like did Mohamed and his companions with ASMAE BINT MARWANE and like you know these are things that Two goats won't fight about them
من المنطقي جدا أن ننتقد ما نراه خاطئ و نبدي رأينا فيه و ننتظر التعقيب عليه أو ما يمكننا دعوته بنقد النقد و هكذا حتى تستقيم لنا الأمور و لمن ننتقده فنرا الحق الذي نصبوا إليه فنراه واضحا جليا، هذه هي الطريقة المتحضرة في معالجة الأمور و البحث على الحقيقة ،لكن الأديان (غالبها) علمتنا أن ما تقوله هو الحق و كل مخالف مخطئ و فقط و إن انتقدها فهو يتهجم على المقدسات و سيكرهه المتدينون بها و يحقدون عليه و في بعض الحالات قد يصل الامر إلى قتله كما فعل محمد و أتباعه مع عصماء بنت مروان و كما تعلمون فهذه أمور لا تتناطع عليعا عنزان .