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 Topic: Movies you watched and would recommend

 (Read 76727 times)
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  • Movies you watched and would recommend
     Reply #420 - March 11, 2016, 09:47 PM

    Shouldn't that be in the documentary list. This is for movies.

  • Movies you watched and would recommend
     Reply #421 - March 12, 2016, 07:36 PM

    The Suicide Squad has an amazing trailer as well especially with its music/video linked sequences
  • Movies you watched and would recommend
     Reply #422 - March 12, 2016, 07:44 PM

    I can't wait for SS. It's going to be awesome.

    No free mixing of the sexes is permitted on these forums or via PM or the various chat groups that are operating.

    Women must write modestly and all men must lower their case.!
  • Movies you watched and would recommend
     Reply #423 - March 26, 2016, 08:53 PM

    Batman v. Superman was......

    *** SPOILERS AHEAD ********

    Overall, mediocre. 6/10.

    This hilarious review goes over some of my gripes:

    No free mixing of the sexes is permitted on these forums or via PM or the various chat groups that are operating.

    Women must write modestly and all men must lower their case.!
  • Movies you watched and would recommend
     Reply #424 - June 08, 2016, 10:41 PM

    Watched Mad Max. Good action movie. Don't get why some are upset the female lead had as big, or maybe even bigger, of a role as the male lead. Get over it. What I'm more confused about is all the white people. Really? No other people than white, in the entire movie, except one racially ambigious light brown girl? Was that all the movie could handle?

    "The healthiest people I know are those who are the first to label themselves fucked up." - three
  • Movies you watched and would recommend
     Reply #425 - June 09, 2016, 12:12 AM

    Watched Mad Max. Good action movie. Don't get why some are upset the female lead had as big, or maybe even bigger, of a role as the male lead. Get over it. What I'm more confused about is all the white people. Really? No other people than white, in the entire movie, except one racially ambigious light brown girl? Was that all the movie could handle?

    That's something that bothered me as well. The setting is a friggin desert. Really, most people if not everyone should have had a darker skin tone.
  • Movies you watched and would recommend
     Reply #426 - June 09, 2016, 06:41 AM

    Meh, don't think evolution would've had time to do it. It seemed the apocalypse had happened no more than two or three generations ago. However, white people are a minority, globally, and even if we assume the location was an English speaking country (what's up with the American and British accents?)... still, what's up with all the white people?Grin  but I guess they are no different  than other movie makers...

    "The healthiest people I know are those who are the first to label themselves fucked up." - three
  • Movies you watched and would recommend
     Reply #427 - June 09, 2016, 07:56 AM

    Well, given that the black dude always dies first, it makes sense that in a post-apocalyptic movie, all the characters are white.
  • Movies you watched and would recommend
     Reply #428 - June 09, 2016, 08:03 AM

    Maybe you're right Roll Eyes maybe only the anglo-saxon people were suitable for the post-apocalyptig environment.

    "The healthiest people I know are those who are the first to label themselves fucked up." - three
  • Movies you watched and would recommend
     Reply #429 - June 09, 2016, 02:57 PM

    I had the same reaction when watching that movie CF.  All that moaning and focus on the female/male issue in the press, and an almost silence on the total whitewashing of the future.

    White people are like cockroaches in the movies, they survive everything.  Grin

    Inhale the good shit, exhale the bullshit.
  • Movies you watched and would recommend
     Reply #430 - June 09, 2016, 03:14 PM

    The latest movie I watched was the Russian "White Tiger".

    A very Russian style war movie crammed full of symbolism (and having a storyline reminding of "Jaws")

    I liked it.
  • Movies you watched and would recommend
     Reply #431 - June 09, 2016, 05:07 PM

    That's something that bothered me as well. The setting is a friggin desert. Really, most people if not everyone should have had a darker skin tone.

    That would've diverted attention away from the dialogue and complicated plot.

    No free mixing of the sexes is permitted on these forums or via PM or the various chat groups that are operating.

    Women must write modestly and all men must lower their case.!
  • Movies you watched and would recommend
     Reply #432 - June 09, 2016, 08:16 PM

    (White) People shit their pants as soon as someone of another race or ethnicity that isn't white takes up screen time. People are still upset about the Hunger Games. That must've been an all time low point...

    "The healthiest people I know are those who are the first to label themselves fucked up." - three
  • Movies you watched and would recommend
     Reply #433 - June 10, 2016, 12:32 AM

    Oh yeah, that happened recently when a Harry Potter play cast a black woman as Hermione.

    And then they talk about "accuracy" in representation. Lol.
  • Movies you watched and would recommend
     Reply #434 - June 10, 2016, 12:27 PM

    (White) People shit their pants as soon as someone of another race or ethnicity that isn't white takes up screen time. People are still upset about the Hunger Games. That must've been an all time low point...

    that is an interesting observation but Cornflower it is same all  over the globe..  so let me rewrite that... if you go to individual popular movie cultures,  i can take your words and re-write this

     ............... (White) ,   black , blue,red ,green, yellow People shit in their pants as soon as someone of another race or ethnicity that isn't their own  takes up screen  as hero/heroine of the film ............

    but I tell you,  people do like heroes and heroines of movies,  that are cross cultural, or cross religion/cross races.....  off course either way they have to be talented....

    And  there are exceptions...that Old American Movie star  Sidney Poitier...  Sir Sidney Poitier,..  The Actor Changed that Hollywood  inside out with his stellar performances..

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Movies you watched and would recommend
     Reply #435 - June 10, 2016, 02:18 PM

    (White) People shit their pants as soon as someone of another race or ethnicity that isn't white takes up screen time. People are still upset about the Hunger Games. That must've been an all time low point...

    Not always.  As long as the person of colour is representing something of colour.

    For example black actors/actresses win prizes for acting in slave movies/TV shows, or representations of abject poverty and corruption in Africa.  This is generally the only serious role they are allowed to shine in, everything else must be comedy or sports related, the 2 areas that are usually reserved for that body, and historically associated with it.

    Also, if you ever need to be depressed any further about how disgusting humanity can be, just read the comments on a streaming site, on any show that decides to use black actresses especially, in a main role. 

    Inhale the good shit, exhale the bullshit.
  • Movies you watched and would recommend
     Reply #436 - June 10, 2016, 04:46 PM

    I think that does not only apply to streaming sites and who is cast as who. Cutting a bit gives:
    ....if you ever need to be depressed any further about how disgusting humanity can be, just read the comments.....

    "Comments" truly are the rectums of the internet!

    When that is said, roles should be cast with actors that fit to them. There are very few blacks in the IRA or the Ku Klux Klan, just to take a foolish example.
    I also think it is pretty foolish to paint up a Caucasian for an "ethnic" role, if you can get a qualified ethnic actor.
    Just "looking right" does not however, make you a good actor in itself.

    But it all comes down to one thing: Selling tickets.
    And the movie companies will do exactly what sells tickets. Famous names do.
    The (big) movies produced are carefully tailored to sell tickets. Not more, not less.

    Political correctness can kill any story, and certainly will not sell tickets.

    Should the audience change their minds, and go elsewhere, then rest assured, that the filmmakers would change their ways on the spot.
    But you do not gamble with 9-digit budgets.

    A lot of the films made in India, Asia and the Middle East display a racism and bigotry you'd have to go back to the thirties to find in western cinemas. It is directed towards the West, as well as towards whomever the regime or dominating culture happens to take offense to.
    Here is a nice little piece written by an Indian journalist.

    But to be honest, I have better things to do than to consider what I should be offended over next.
    (Apart from that, the latest Mad Max is probably one of the crappiest movies I've ever tried to relieve the boredom of a trans-Atlantic flight with. My goodness it stank!)
  • Movies you watched and would recommend
     Reply #437 - June 10, 2016, 05:45 PM

    But it all comes down to one thing: Selling tickets.
    And the movie companies will do exactly what sells tickets. Famous names do.
    The (big) movies produced are carefully tailored to sell tickets. Not more, not less.

    Political correctness can kill any story, and certainly will not sell tickets.

    See, I could maybe fully agree with this argument, if it wasn't true that not all big blockbuster movies use famous names.  very often they use new people, that's how we get new people in the industry.

    The problem remains that they select new, yet stick to the same format.

    Also, we can take the example of the modelling industry.

    The argument used to be that the reason photoshop was used, and models were airbrushed to be slim and perfect, was for the sake of sales.

    This argument has now been proven false.

    There is, and has never been proof that sales will go down if different coloured or able bodied actors/actresses are used.  Given that it is hardly ever done, where would the proof of damaging sales come from?

    Also, this isn't about political correctness.  I hate the way that title is bandied around whenever 'isms are challenged. 

    Fairness, and this also means fairness in even being given a chance to audition for lead roles, shouldn't be dismissed as political correctness. 

    Inhale the good shit, exhale the bullshit.
  • Movies you watched and would recommend
     Reply #438 - June 10, 2016, 05:46 PM

    I mean, you can't know that the best person was selected for the role, unless you know who got to audition. 

    Inhale the good shit, exhale the bullshit.
  • Movies you watched and would recommend
     Reply #439 - June 10, 2016, 11:23 PM

    Berbs, when I say screen time I mean whatever isn't the "token" whatever or a role that is specifically put there to be, as you say, "something of colour".

    And the majority of humanity would not necessarily identify as white, or white of anglo-saxon(-ish) background, so it's not about selling tickets. It's about the dominant group in power within the movie industry (or whatever other walk of life, basically) keeping it that way...

    "The healthiest people I know are those who are the first to label themselves fucked up." - three
  • Movies you watched and would recommend
     Reply #440 - June 10, 2016, 11:51 PM

    That would've diverted attention away from the dialogue and complicated plot.

    Im going to have to remember not to drink anything while reading your posts.
  • Movies you watched and would recommend
     Reply #441 - June 11, 2016, 12:23 AM

    But if I should return to the original subject, I've started watching "Hornblower" on youtube.

    Such a delightful display of violence.
  • Movies you watched and would recommend
     Reply #442 - June 11, 2016, 08:25 AM

    Berbs, when I say screen time I mean whatever isn't the "token" whatever or a role that is specifically put there to be, as you say, "something of colour".

    And the majority of humanity would not necessarily identify as white, or white of anglo-saxon(-ish) background, so it's not about selling tickets. It's about the dominant group in power within the movie industry (or whatever other walk of life, basically) keeping it that way...

    I figured you knew this already, I just wanted to make that explicit...cos I have nothing better to do.  Grin

    And yes, I agree, it is always about the group in power.   yes Which isn't always about whiteness.

    Inhale the good shit, exhale the bullshit.
  • Movies you watched and would recommend
     Reply #443 - June 14, 2016, 07:22 PM

    Grand Budapest; it's a funny movie and Ralph Fiennes was brilliant

    Jungle Book is a nice movie too with interesting cast members such as Ben Kingsley,Bill Murray and Idris Elba.

    "I'm standing here like an asshole holding my Charles Dickens"

    "No theory,No ready made system,no book that has ever been written to save the world. i cleave to no system.."-Bakunin
  • Movies you watched and would recommend
     Reply #444 - June 14, 2016, 07:44 PM

    Jungle Book was awesome. The score alone...outstanding!

    No free mixing of the sexes is permitted on these forums or via PM or the various chat groups that are operating.

    Women must write modestly and all men must lower their case.!
  • Movies you watched and would recommend
     Reply #445 - June 14, 2016, 10:43 PM

    I like tremors

    and I also like The Lovely Bones and What dreams may come.
  • Movies you watched and would recommend
     Reply #446 - July 02, 2016, 08:32 PM

    Independence Day Resurgence was utter SHIT.


    No free mixing of the sexes is permitted on these forums or via PM or the various chat groups that are operating.

    Women must write modestly and all men must lower their case.!
  • Movies you watched and would recommend
     Reply #447 - July 02, 2016, 08:40 PM

    Finding Dory was decent.

    Don't let Hitler have the street.
  • Movies you watched and would recommend
     Reply #448 - July 02, 2016, 11:08 PM

    Independence Day Resurgence was utter SHIT.


    I wish I saw this sooner, probably the worst movie I've seen all year.
  • Movies you watched and would recommend
     Reply #449 - July 09, 2016, 02:55 PM

    Why is it so bad? Anyone have any specifics or, at least, general parameters?
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