Perhaps it is still a little extraordinary, but not as extraordinary as it seems to be.
Yes it is rather subjective to say the least. Furthermore I have not been able to verify a single one of these numeric frequency claims. Usually when people cite them, they use English translated words instead of the original Arabic words, which is a little suspicious to say the least. I have not actually been through the whole Quran and counted words, but using searchable online databases I can never get the "miraculous" numbers to come out.
Why would one discard the personal pronoun suffixes? That does not make sense to me. Surely the word "day" is a day regardless of whether it is followed by a personal pronoun. Even so, this site ( counts 260 يوم instead of 365, and that is discarding the plurals and duals, not sure if it is also discarding the attached pronouns but seeing as it is under the total of 365 and not over it, that would not matter, it would still be wrong.
It's quite creepy stuff tbh. Anyone here know if it's true; it's actually this stuff that makes me doubt my non-belief at times, and really ask myself if I'm only deliberately ignoring The Truth so I can have it easier in life; I know I'm not consciously doing that, but maybe at a subconscious level. So, anyone know anything about the numerical miracles?
I think you have identified the issue here without realizing it Al-Alethia. You say that these numerical miracles make you doubt your non-belief and yet you have not actuallty verified whether they are accurate. And that is the crux of it.
For Muslims in Muslim societies, they do not need to verify it. Why would they? If you are beginning with the premise that the Quran is divine in the first place, then why would you be skeptical of these claims? You would just take it as a given. Especially when trying to calculate this stuff is so much work. Furthermore, noone wants to appear skeptical in a situation where one Muslim is passionately telling a bunch of other Muslims about these miracles. Noone wants to ruin the "high" and be the party pooper.
And as for non-Muslims, well it is a lot of work to try and invetsigate these claims, and since they are not that impressive and easy for human beings to replicate (anybody can write a book that repeats the word "day" 365 times and "month" 12 times), it is hardly worth debunking it. May as well concentrate on other, stronger claims that Muslims make.
I got a message in my youtube account from a Salafist about these word frequency miracle claims and then I asked if he could verify them with a list of the occurances, and I even gave him the link to that searchable Quran site. He replied by assuring me that they had already been verified and then suggested that I read through the whole Quran and verify them myself.
Nice one, let the people you are trying to convert do all the work for you.