Still waiting for therapy. Antidepressants haven't caused my suicidal thoughts and plans to abate. Additionally, certain members of my family think that my depression is a cover up for my drinking.
I've come to the conclusion that (true) depression is seen as haram, shameful or defective within the purview of orthodox Islam. Don't get me wrong, it's completely acceptable to be sad, but hopelessness or lack of vitality is seen as contradicting the maxims that Allah has made incumbent upon us. One could even contend that it is a form of minor shirk.
I've failed university, I have no way of becoming financially independent, and as soon as I return back home next month I'm going to be put on another waiting list which is going to mean that I probably won't get any therapy until at least September or October. Love the NHS!
This is the disease talking, pure and simple. Having experienced a similar situation and felt these exact same thoughts, I can tell you that situations are never as bleak as the depression tells you it is. Right now I'm pursuing exactly those same goals which I thought were unattainable when depressed, and my circumstances haven't changed in any meaningful way other than the depression.
I know its not much solace psychologically, but try to remember that from a factual point of view that you are being lied to. There are paths for you, and you'll be able to see them better when you're feeling better. Best wishes and hugs mate!