I've received the happymurtad seal of approval
my day has officially been made I don't even care what anybody else says anymore
That is still participation. I never said she physically fought.
Erm…if she wasn't fighting, the "must be at least 15 years old" rule doesn't apply to her so why did you invoke it?
I never said that. It could either be a primary/exclusive attraction or a preference to like children. You should try finish reading my sentences....
Then why oh why do you keep insisting that the fact that A'isha was his favourite is insignificant because a pedophile, according to you is…
someone who is always on the prey for children and gets sexually aroused by them.
and you also invoked his marriage to Khadija as some kind of proof that he isn't a pedo.
He didn't want to marry that girl as a baby but a "grown up" version of that baby. How do we know that this "grown up" baby he intended to marry was to be still a child and not an adult? You are just speculating.
I never said he wanted to marry the baby as an older child; that is speculative. He wanted to marry the baby, meaning he saw her and his heart lept, but perhaps even Muhammad knew that marrying babies was a bit too much hence the "I'll wait 'til she's older" part. I'm sorry but anyone who looks at a baby and feels anything remotely romantic or sexual is sick and a pedophile, especially when we put this account in context with Muhammad's other doings (i.e., marrying a 9-year-old).
AGAIN.....this whole "wanting to marry a baby" theory is assuming that particular hadith is accurate.
Most of the Hadith is dodgy sounding but if you reject it, like TonyT said, how do you even know Mo existed? How do you know anything about him?
The reliability of that hadith is disputed and isn't exactly the sort of evidence you should run with as some kind of incontrovertible proof Muhammad was a pedo.
It's just a drop in the ocean if you're talking proof that Muhammad was a pedo; we know he married a child, there's a verse in the Quran that implies it's okay to marry pre-pubescent girls and there's no condemnation or prohibition of marrying pre-pubescent girls to be found anywhere in Islam, there is, however, encouragement of marrying virgins and young women.