(Damnnit why are my posts never short and to the point ) -__- Oh to respond to your
Thanks for all your feedbacks. It's nice to receive replies that do not sound bigoted. Today, I read the ali sina's website again( alisina.org), he committed another lie by saying that the gang raped that occurred in India were committed by the Muslims, while in actual fact, it's all over the news that they were not Muslims, but Hindus. You all can check his article there.
This come as a heavy blow to me again because if he can lie at this obvious thing, how about something related to the Quran?
In replying to "happymurtad", you equate the Quran with normal music, well, i have no objection to that, but have you ever think how Muhammad can think and dictated so many information throughout his 23 years life? I mean, look at the Quran, it virtually discussed everything, from natural phenomena to inheritance division.
Also, Quran is very clear about who we can marry, who we cannot( mothers, sisters, etc), which i can say by human standard is acceptable, either in ancient time to present time.
Seems like the "faith" is starting to grown again.
1. Just like someone lied about the rape in India being Muslims, there are many articles where Muslims lie about converts to Islam. My favorite example Sunita Williams.
http://www.mediamugint.com/news-current-events/nasa-astronaut-sunita-williamsconverted-islam-reality/They admitted that it was a hoax, yet try to cover up the desperate embarrassment by saying "Oh we don't need her"

(BTW I have seen Muslims still posting this on FB as fact)
Point, it happens on both ends. YES there are some people who make false lies against Muslims and Islam, but that does not mean some Muslims have not done the same.
In fact lying is permissible in Islam Taqiyya and mentioned apparently in the Quran and Hadiths. Think about this next time you listen to
'reasoning' from the other side. I'm sure if you look around the internet there are people who actually endorsed this. And I remember one member here talking about when he use to do Dawah to non-Muslims mention doing this.
http://www.thereligionofpeace.com/quran/011-taqiyya.htm2. How can Muhammad know so many things? Well think about it, it was not uncommon for travelers of that time to hear stories from various people. Arabs in Muhammad's time interacted a lot with Jews and Christians (Hence why Islam is based off of an already existing religion it's not 100% new and original). And there are scientific faults in Quran, such as the sun revolving around the earth, etc. because that's what people thought was true AT THE TIME. You can also ask yourself how did Einstein get the knowledge he did? From a divine being? But he was Jewish does that make Judaism the true religion or Einstein a prophet? Or the
many non-Muslim scientists who have invented and discovered things, and cured deadly diseases, saving and improving many lives, that no one before them knew or any Holy book has mentioned? Do we worship them as prophets given divine knowledge. Scientific discoveries by people (past, present and future) has no place for someone to claim divine knowledge from God. It's arrogant and dangerous. But somehow Muhammad recites a few science stuff and BAM that's proof he's a prophet from God? Think about that.
3. The Quran is clear about a lot of things, but that doesn't make it true or appropriate. The Quran is also clear about what should happen to every apostate on this forum. Also the Quran is not the only Religion/ Culture that says that marrying family just isn't right. , nothing special. Also there is a scientific explanation humans (except in rare cases) why humans are not usually attracted to their family members. -->
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Westermarck_effect (research other sources if you don't trust wiki)
You don't need a religion to tell you that. If that was true everyone non-Muslim person in the world would be freely marrying their family members. But as you can look around you that is not the case, it's a natural thing. Again there are rare cases, but it's not common practice.
Point is the reason why 'I' personally don't buy into Islam claims, is that it claims it is the true religion by pointing out things (most times common sense things) every other religion/culture in the world has done already or before, without even knowing of Islam.
BUT that being said. Some people need religion in their lives to feel like their lives having meaning. Also that sense of structure and comfort of always being looked after by a higher being. Everyone is free to do what he/she wishes. I'm simply pointing out from my point of view, why I do not agree with your reasons for feeling Islam is true.