1. QRS
3. Thus are revelations, full of wisdom, from one who is high as hell
4. Or do they say, “He is intoxicated” Say: “A few shots of patron and a joint never harmed anyone, but look into my eyes, they are not too red. Can ye not tell?”
5. Thus do those who disbelieve in the verses we have given thee reject thy prophetic mission
6. Alas, the messengers before you were all high, and thus did we give them vision.
7. From Noah to Abraham to Moses, and Joseph in the prison
8. Behold, to Abraham we gave LSD and he kept on getting higher.
9. When his people came to help him quit, he thought he was on fire!
10. But the flames could not consume him because the fire was not real
11. Thus did Abe stand there shouting “How cool does this shit feel!!”
12. So he killed a ram and cut his dick and wandered from town to town
13. And in the desert he built a windowless box, with a door six feet off the ground.
14. Yea, under the influence, seven times did he circle it round!
15. And to Moses we gave the weed and we taught him to burn the bush
16. For thy lord is the best supplier, yea, the best shit do we push!
17. And seas did split, and hands did glow, and his staff turned to a snake
18. Thus did we get him higher with each puff that he did take!
19. So have patients, Oh Murtad, for the SWT loves not those who remain sober
20. Except those who have work or school, or who drive on roads and don’t want to get pulled over.
That was a masterpiece.
LMAOOO i just laughed out loud at work..i hate you! xD
too creative man (Y)