Still stuck between wanting to be a Muslim but not feeling like a Muslim? Or...? I was 15/16. I thought it was something I had to do. I was the only one who didn't wear it yet. I wanted to take it off after 14 months or so, but they didn't let me. It was stupid of me to wear it, but they would let me wear it sooner or later. So I don't know if it would've made any difference.
"I'm an ex-muslim and I have to wear it every fucking days. If I don't, well I might be dead or thrown outside of the house. I don't want that, because it's already tensed at home. So I have no choice to wear it every day when I'm in College, when I go to some family friends' house etc. I've been wearing it since I was 12 years old and I'm turning 19 soon. I don't know when I'll take it off, but it would be of course after I escape away from my house.... :/"
"Yup, I do, I'm not sure if I label myself as a ex muslim as of yet, it still scares me to say it out loud, like God will smite me or something lol. I wear it still for the majority of the time unless I have panic attack mode and I just rip it off and get a big mac. I feel ugly and frumpy, I never used to, it pisses me off, I feel ugly but I feel bad to dress it up, it looks stupid to be all skinny jeaned and face full of make with hijab, its just pointless and ridiculous. I don't wear abaya's anymore because I don't want ppl to think or expect me to be more religious, but I look like a tramp and a half, I don't even take time to wrap my scarf decently, just fling it on, fling on baggy uncoordinated shit. My self confidence is through the floor, i'm insecure, and I get depressed at the thought of dressing up aswell, like I don't know how to look decent anymore, or I can't be bothered, I don't know. I feel like i'm wasting my youthful beauty years haha, but I seem to like to punish myself so its here, on my head."
I can relate to these too.
I have to wear Hijab but I don't believe anymore since 1 year and half.
I'm sorry there are a lot of girls in my situation. But at least I found someone who can understand me.
My parents too won't let me remove it. I talked with my mother but she keeps threaten me.
I just want to know. Is there somebody who left his family behind to live his life?
Would we really be able to forget our parents even though they didn't treat us well. They're still our parents in the end...