Reply #102 - December 18, 2013, 08:15 PM
Yup, I do, I'm not sure if I label myself as a ex muslim as of yet, it still scares me to say it out loud, like God will smite me or something lol. I wear it still for the majority of the time unless I have panic attack mode and I just rip it off and get a big mac. I feel ugly and frumpy, I never used to, it pisses me off, I feel ugly but I feel bad to dress it up, it looks stupid to be all skinny jeaned and face full of make with hijab, its just pointless and ridiculous. I don't wear abaya's anymore because I don't want ppl to think or expect me to be more religious, but I look like a tramp and a half, I don't even take time to wrap my scarf decently, just fling it on, fling on baggy uncoordinated shit. My self confidence is through the floor, i'm insecure, and I get depressed at the thought of dressing up aswell, like I don't know how to look decent anymore, or I can't be bothered, I don't know. I feel like i'm wasting my youthful beauty years haha, but I seem to like to punish myself so its here, on my head.
"Make anyone believe their own knowledge and logic is insufficient and you'll have a puppet susceptible to manipulation."