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 Topic: Hijaabis.

 (Read 123211 times)
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  • Hijaabis.
     Reply #150 - August 17, 2014, 06:59 PM

    I dont care anymore how I look like. Cant be bothered.  Tongue
  • Hijaabis.
     Reply #151 - August 17, 2014, 06:59 PM

    you don't need to care about doing your hair or your make up nor care what your figure looks like

    Yap... hide the trash under the bed  or in closet and make people believe the house is goood and clean...  Cheesy

    well that is not true for all those who put on the burkha.. but it is fun to say...

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Hijaabis.
     Reply #152 - August 17, 2014, 07:19 PM

    I know what you're saying, when you take it off you suddenly feel like everyone else, one of the crowd, blended in and insignificant, ofcourse also with hijab you don't need to care about doing your hair or your make up nor care what your figure looks like and when someone is rude to you in public or reacts to you in a certain negative way or you fail that job interview, you think, oh its just the hijabs fault, its not me i'm ok.. Reality hits when you take it off and nothing changes, can't blame hijab anymore when someone is rude, can't hide behind it when you don't feel like making an effort with your looks.. I felt this too when i first took mine off, wanted to put it straight back on, didnt feel like doing my hair and makeup every dayyy lol what a chore, i realised negative people still responded to me in a similar way as they did when i had it on,  some people are just plain rude anyway but i always blamed every bad experience on my hijab.   The hijab has knocked my confidence sideways when it comes to job interviews, i allowed it to affect my selfworth and never got jobs with it on, prior to hijab i was offered poisitons much higher than what i was being interviewed for.

    Oh hells yea, I totally get that feeling.  I used to be able to blame the hijab.  Now I realise the world is full of assholes for the most part, so the reactions will still occur, just in different circumstances.

    As for how you look, being a niqab helped me.  I have BDD (body dysmorphia) and so it was like the only time in my life in which wearing a mask in public was socially acceptable.

    I get that it's not socially acceptable to most of the UK, but it is way more socially acceptable than wearing a regular mask, which I wish I could do.

    It also does make you feel special, if not to anyone then at least in Islam....or at least that lovely mythical Islam that likes to make women feel that feeling special in a hijab, can make up for all the other parts of Islam that place her as low as an animal.

    But I don't miss the hijab.  I may not look special, I may not feel special, but to some people I matter, and those are the people that matter to me.  Further, I am me.  I know you are taking me for me in the real world.  If I matter to you it's not because I am muslim and therefore better than the next person, it's just because we have clicked on some level.

    Plus, for all it gave me the ability to hide, it was suffocating, and depressing. 

    Inhale the good shit, exhale the bullshit.
  • Hijaabis.
     Reply #153 - August 17, 2014, 07:26 PM

    Give the Damn FREEDOM to Girls. they know how to cover themselves and look sexy and good.

    the problem is not hijabs and Hijaabis., the problem is with these BEARDED BABOONS OF ISLAM and the rules they try to impose through the back doors of the so-called Islamic governments .

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Hijaabis.
     Reply #154 - August 17, 2014, 07:38 PM

    Hijab, Niqaab, Burka.. I dont care how much a women covers up.
    If I can see her eyes I can look at her most beautiful feature.

    Late Eid Mubarak, Where's my eidee present ?
  • Hijaabis.
     Reply #155 - August 17, 2014, 07:47 PM

    I dont care anymore how I look like. Cant be bothered.  Tongue

    I'm vain lol can't even go get a pint of milk without applying makeup lol

    (quote Berberella button wont work) I don't miss Hijab either, hated it, it only suits certain people,  didnt suit me atall, i looked quite hilarious lol

  • Hijaabis.
     Reply #156 - August 18, 2014, 08:27 AM

    the problem is not hijabs and Hijaabis., the problem is with these BEARDED BABOONS OF ISLAM and the rules they try to impose through the back doors of the so-called Islamic governments .

    There are some baboons of Islam that can't grow beards. They are also known as women.
  • Hijaabis.
     Reply #157 - August 18, 2014, 08:40 AM

    Hear hear!  great

    "The healthiest people I know are those who are the first to label themselves fucked up." - three
  • Hijaabis.
     Reply #158 - August 18, 2014, 09:12 AM

    There are some baboons of Islam that can't grow beards. They are also known as women.

    Hear hear!  great

    No  Rubaya  & Cornflower.,, noooo.. most of these women are self centered stubborn Ignorant  fools that gets excited in showing their leadership quality with-in Islam. They just want to dress-up or argue to dress-up like that to show solidarity to Islam, Once I control   baboons of Islam these women will disappear in no time., because women in Islam do not have any political power with-in Islam.  May be a give word like "Gibbon" for them.. but generally they are not as  vicious and as violent as baboons..  And  and they will not enforce burqa cladding on women folks unless they are connected political Islam.

    hmm Why I, as a Muslim, am launching a campaign to ban the burka in Britain  ..  that is a good one  dated  16 July 2014...  apparently that guy Dr Taj Hargey is a Imam of the Oxford Islamic Congregation and the Director of the Muslim Educational Center of Oxford

    and that guy is a Muslim the fools discussing  below are Non_Muslims..



    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Hijaabis.
     Reply #159 - August 18, 2014, 12:52 PM

    Once I control   baboons of Islam these women will disappear in no time., because women in Islam do not have any political power with-in Islam.  May be a give word like "Gibbon" for them.. but generally they are not as  vicious and as violent as baboons

    Cheesy "Gibbons of Islam". Like these gals?

  • Hijaabis.
     Reply #160 - August 18, 2014, 07:53 PM

    Yikes, are they soldiers for battlefields? If that is the case how will they run to save their lives?

    I have seen female freedom fighters of my country battle in saris. I had the same question about them including how they crawled on the ground without their saris going up? Apparently they were being too patriotic and forgot that we had salwar kamizes too, which were both modest and functional.
  • Hijaabis.
     Reply #161 - August 18, 2014, 07:58 PM

    No  Rubaya  & Cornflower.,, noooo.. most of these women are self centered stubborn Ignorant  fools that gets excited in showing their leadership quality with-in Islam. They just want to dress-up or argue to dress-up like that to show solidarity to Islam, Once I control   baboons of Islam these women will disappear in no time., because women in Islam do not have any political power with-in Islam.  May be a give word like "Gibbon" for them.. but generally they are not as  vicious and as violent as baboons..  And  and they will not enforce burqa cladding on women folks unless they are connected political Islam.

    hmm Why I, as a Muslim, am launching a campaign to ban the burka in Britain  ..  that is a good one  dated  16 July 2014...  apparently that guy Dr Taj Hargey is a Imam of the Oxford Islamic Congregation and the Director of the Muslim Educational Center of Oxford

    and that guy is a Muslim the fools discussing  below are Non_Muslims..



    So what if women don't have power in Islam? Some are stubbornly misogynistic even though they see their own problems, which they ignore. They propagate inhumane Islamic theories and insinuate non-Muslim women whom they consider bad according to Islam. Some even make others lives hell. They are equally bad. They may have less power than men but they have it.

    One example is Anybody from Ummah Forum, who condones all the bad deeds that Muhammad did like rape. Maybe people don't follow her but she is indeed a gibbon!
  • Hijaabis.
     Reply #162 - August 18, 2014, 08:02 PM

    Women reproduce their own opression, they are as much part of the problem as anyone else. Patriarchy feeds on its victims to uphold it. First step in any liberation is for the opressed to make some sound.

    "The healthiest people I know are those who are the first to label themselves fucked up." - three
  • Hijaabis.
     Reply #163 - August 19, 2014, 02:30 AM

    Yikes, are they soldiers for battlefields? If that is the case how will they run to save their lives? 

    Lol, they're morality police. Their job is mainly walking around and harassing women for not dressing "modestly". 
  • Hijaabis.
     Reply #164 - August 25, 2014, 03:10 PM

    Though I've taken it off in most contexts, when seeing someone that hasn't seen without it before I can't help but think "But they're going to know what I look like!"
    I don't know how to undo that anxiety. Boo!

    Though it may seem as though I am repeating myself. It is a current thought before I go to visit someone, wasn't sure where else to vent.

    "Make anyone believe their own knowledge and logic is insufficient and you'll have a puppet susceptible to manipulation."
  • Hijaabis.
     Reply #165 - August 25, 2014, 03:56 PM

    Lol, they're morality police. Their job is mainly walking around and harassing women for not dressing "modestly". 

    must be in saudi arabia? women cant go outside without a hijab, some places they must cover their faces as well :/

    still dont get the real real real reason for hijab... i heared people used to wear a scarfe on the head, because they were high class or low class or whatever they were, but why make it obligatory for muslims then? :/

    Dogs never bite me - just humans. ~ M. Monroe

    Religions seem to cause more grief than good.

    Exmuslim Chat
  • Hijaabis.
     Reply #166 - August 25, 2014, 04:06 PM

    I'm not sure which exactly you're talking about, but they do have female morality police in Saudi Arabia, but I hear about them so rarely! No one I know over there has had a real encounter with them. One reported seeing one at a public event, and that was about it. I wonder if there's just very few.
  • Hijaabis.
     Reply #167 - August 25, 2014, 04:23 PM

    ^ You can't have too many female morality police, otherwise women will have more power than men. Duh!

    Build a man a fire, and he'll be warm for a day. Set a man on fire, and he'll be warm for the rest of his life. - Terry Pratchett
  • Hijaabis.
     Reply #168 - August 25, 2014, 04:25 PM

    Well, they may be women, but they're doing the men's work and oppressing themselves. Actually seems like a better way to keep women under control in my opinion.
  • Hijaabis.
     Reply #169 - August 25, 2014, 04:37 PM

    I was being sarcastic, but now I realise I was being stupid considering sarcasm is harder to communicate in text.

    Build a man a fire, and he'll be warm for a day. Set a man on fire, and he'll be warm for the rest of his life. - Terry Pratchett
  • Hijaabis.
     Reply #170 - August 25, 2014, 04:43 PM

    Also I am the all-time worst at detecting sarcasm.
  • Hijaabis.
     Reply #171 - August 25, 2014, 06:35 PM

    Must be due to the aspartame hampering your cognition, lua.

    My mind runs, I can never catch it even if I get a head start.
  • Hijaabis.
     Reply #172 - August 25, 2014, 06:37 PM

    I am not even eating that much aspartame anymore because they took it out of my yogurt. Harith would be so proud of me.
  • Hijaabis.
     Reply #173 - August 25, 2014, 06:42 PM

    Indeed he would, if only he knew how much you've changed...

    My mind runs, I can never catch it even if I get a head start.
  • Hijaabis.
     Reply #174 - August 27, 2014, 12:03 PM

    I'm not sure which exactly you're talking about, but they do have female morality police in Saudi Arabia, but I hear about them so rarely! No one I know over there has had a real encounter with them. One reported seeing one at a public event, and that was about it. I wonder if there's just very few.

    The pics were from Iran where female morality police is apparently a thing.
  • Hijaabis.
     Reply #175 - August 27, 2014, 04:08 PM

    Luckily not every Iranian cop is obsessed about hijabs.

    Danish Never-Moose adopted by the kind people on the CEMB-forum
    Ex-Muslim chat (Unaffliated with CEMB). Safari users: Use "#ex-muslims" as the channel name. CEMB chat thread.
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