wow, captaindisguise, that was a very interesting blog. It does appear that the scholarly consensus leans towards the interpretation that blood clot is the word's actual meaning, atleast in its context. Even if the correct interpretation is a hanging/sticking thing, it would still be vague, and it would still confirm the fact that people like Hamza are just picking whatever interpretation suits them, haha!
Also, it can be pointed out that it is unlikely that an almighty God would choose the one word that has the specific biological meaning that would contradict science. There were many ways for God to describe hanging or tubular shaped etc but instead he went with the one word that also means "blood clot", esp. when the "blood clot" definition was accepted view of embryology before and after the Quran. Sounds unreasonable for an all knowing God.
Would you mind explaining the implantation part, without complex biological terms, since I do not understand the point, nor am I an expert in biology :$ Also, do you know who comes up with the meanings of the arabic words themselves? Sorry, I may be asking too many questions, but answers would be very beneficial
Implantation is actually simple, it is exactly what the word suggest. After the egg is fertillized, it divides into multiple cells and at a certain stages, it becomes fixed/embedded in the inner wall of the uterus. That is all
Muslim apologists come up with these. Quite clearly, there is a profitable industry for people with no integrity to go in, where they claim or retrofit scientific definitions on to ancient meanings. In the case of implantation, the quran simply says the seminal fluid is in "a safe place"; the "safe place" is then reinterpreted to mean the uterine wall. That is how it goes and a good chunk of the gullible muslim community will happily buy into it.