Welcome Mina,
Yours is a truly touching story. Many of us here know first hand the heartache that can come from dealing with family members who are still infected by the crippling virus of religion. I must tell you, however, that you have been fortunate enough to live out a life that has been systematically and repeatedly denied to billions of Muslim women across the Islamic world. I personally applaud and congratulate you for that. Your freedom of mind and spirit is a gift that has been stolen away from too many a Muslim woman. You should be proud.
And yet, the nature of religion is such that it plays upon our guilt and our fears. Since it can not offer us anything to better our lives, it thrives upon telling us that we are not good enough without it, that we are evil with out it, and that we need it to be complete. Well my dear, while that can be a tough message to have driven into you from the day you learned the meaning of words, be assured: You are complete. You are exactly who you should be. Islam is the problem. Allah is not real, and neither is his absurd torture camp called hell.
I know that the fear of God and hell can be difficult shackles to shake free from, but I would recommend reading into why the idea of a thuggish, tyrannical, narcissistic, misogynistic, vain, petty, and sadistic God like Allah is logically absurd. Richard Dawkin's
The God Delusion is a great start. Also, laughing about the ridiculousness of ideas like eternal hell and a Day of Judgement in which an "all merciful" god burns 80% of the human race for making a simple mistake can be very therapeutic. (I'll post a link of two videos that really helped me from our own living legend, Hassan.)
And lastly, I think you'll find it great to have a place like this to come and just shoot the breeze, laugh, bond, debate, be inspired, and be silly with fellow ex-Muslims who also realized that despite what everyone was saying, the emperor really was not wearing any clothes. I personally welcome you to the forum and hope you find it as fun and useful as we all have. Dive on in, the water here is fine.