^Tell me about it. Those two points (Mo's obvious sexual depravity; plus him going to bed with his adopted son's wife, allowing his men to RAPE female captives of war, and a myriad of other abuses
) came to mind.
I don't see why it's so HARD TO LEARN A THING OR TWO ABOUT ISLAM BEFORE GOING INTO A DEBATE. You're not debating a Buddhist, nor a Christian - Islam has that extra paranoid dimension, that irritating "we invented everything / scientific miracles" complex. I mean, c'mon. I'm so sick of slippery Hamza deploying his metaphysical BS on unprepared intellectuals - someone pls call him out on it!
His debate against Pervez Hoodbhoy was such a catastrophe (on H's part) simply because he couldn't play the BS game.
I really think CEMB needs to send in the heavy artillery. Pls, Hamza, debate someone who knows a thing or two about Islam.
All the scientific knowledge in the world won't help you against Hamza; he's a pseudo-scientist. Unless you can call him out on his buzz-word BS (master of stringing meaningless gibberish together) you might as well save yourself the effort - DON'T FEED THE TROLL