Krauss, Philosophy, & Science
Reply #2 - March 07, 2013, 01:17 PM
why I'm no big fan of philosophy and thinks it's severely limited and has many flaws.
- philosophy doesn't provide objective demonstrable facts about the natural world. It attempts to talks things into existence with recrementitious verbosity
- philosophy works on a self serving process of circular conjecture.
- philosophy asked questions based on layers and layers of assumptions. It's ask what the purpose/meaning of life is, without even objectively demonstrating that there's an intrinsic purpose/meaning to life.
- It's bulding a house on sound, arguements are formed without objective solid foundations and non-sequitors.
Ie "you can't have objective morality without god" <<<<< a fully loaded paradoxical statement as it hasn't yet been "objectively" proved that god exists.
- It's the mental masturbation of thinking of big words to describe thinking about erm... thinking
- philosophy downfall began the day "natural philosophy" started to be called science.
- it allows people to pass themselves of as top level serious intellectuals, whilst requiring no technical skills. All you need is good rhetoric and a good vocabulary helps.