Excerpt from :
Danish imam taken with his pants down.
Shahid Mehdi is the imam of the Islamic Community Mosque in north-west Copenhagen, schoolmaster of the Iqra private school in Nørrebro and former leader of the Islamic Cultural Center in Brønshøj.
Some years ago he expressed as follows on Danish TV :
Quote : Women cannot demand respect when they walk around without a headscarf. They have only themselves to blame if they are assaulted.
All the crimes directed at women are because they are not covered. When they are not covered, one cannot respect them.
She does not obey her Lord and creator. The Koran enjoins her in two places to cover. Women sully the pure society when they walk around uncovered. They cannot demand respect and are not as valuable as those who wear headscarves.Unquote.
Yesterday it was revealed, that he has been caught with his pants down and today will be put before a magistrate and charged with exposing his penis to a young woman out walking her dog in a park in Malmö.
The imam claims conspiracy and discrimination, but in view of his earlier comments, he could perhaps claim force majeure seeing that he was faced with an uncovered young woman.
What a pillock and he guides young minds in the above mentioned school. GAH !