My name is Richard Coughlan. Some of you may already be familiar with me but as most of you probably wont be i'll give u the full SP.
I'm predominantly known as for my YouTube videos which i currently post on my 2 channels coughlan616 & coughlan000
My original channel was called coughlan666 but that was terminated by YouTube in June 2010
Many of my videos have been posted on this forum before because I have a habit of replying to many well known figures who I percieve to be anti-muslim bigots or covert racists i.e. Geller, Spencer, BNP, EDL, WIlders, Condell, Hirsi Ali and many others of that ilk
I am an atheist...although many have labelled me at best an islamosympathiser or at worst a secret muslim...but i'll let you figure that out for yourself
Ive been a member on this forum for a long time but have refrained from posting as I knew my presence alone would likely create unnecessary conflict/drama...but now I'm ready to get stuck in.
I'm well known to people like Hassan & have collaborated on youtube videos with Nessrriinn...so to quote Ron Burgundy "I'm kind of a big deal...people know me"
...Hope we can all just get along